
Monday, October 29, 2018

Poses from a Hawkmoth

 I am Pergesa acteus, a hawkmoth feeding on Alocasia, Caladium, Colocasia and Dieffenbachia. I am Filipino so those are my host plants here. I heared my cousins in other Asian countries eat some other plants. Now i am obliged by this entity to pose for her camera. She used a lot of tricks to make me assume different poses. But in reality she is depriving me some sleep as it is daytime and i am supposedly deep asleep by now. I hope with my cooperation, in a little while she will let me be!

In a few more days i will assume to be a pupa, a transition for me to be an adult moth to fly, eat, mate and produce more hawkmoths.


  1. Wow beautiful! Great shots.

  2. my goodness - what amazing eyes! I must say I don't like to get too close to little "creatures". Have a great week and thank you so much for visiting my blog last week.

  3. That's awesome. Caterpillars are so fascinating, and you got some great photos!

  4. Fascinating - the size of the body and the 'eye' really deceives you into thinking the "head" is farther back on the body. Love these pictures!

  5. My goodness, that's a photogenic little critter!

  6. They are amazing pictures. It's such an incredible looking creature.

  7. You took some awesome pictures!


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