
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Costus speciosus, any taker?

I have long been fascinated with this plant. It has been growing for quite a long time already at the vicinity of the property, under the mango trees. Nobody is tending it, in fact it even received lots of unreasonable unattention and stressful beatings through time. These are maybe unintentional because it is growing at a sight that is used for dumping the cut plants from the garden and prunnings from nearby trees. The latest was dumping the full canopy of a big tamarind tree, when it was topped off to shorten it. So this plant is a "now-you-see-it, now-you-don't" entity! This time, it is a "Now-you-see-it" plant. And I am putting it at the limelight.

Despite the tortures it got through life, it still continue living, still continue with its purpose, still providing something for attention. I guess it succeeded because i now removed some debris covering some of its parts, cut the already long stems to grow new suckers, took lots of its pictures, and even posted its biography in this blogpost. Not a joke, but i am laughing at my thoughts just now!

 the open white bloom is a center of attention be it sideways

 ....or direct in front

moreso because of the color contrast with the deep red receptacle it emanates from

now look at the full green leaves supporting it to its pedestal

 Don't you think it is even more attractive?

 more spiral leaves, so it is also commonly called spiral ginger

 and the brightly red bracts supporting the white flowers, sideview

 bracts- top view

Costus speciosus (synonym Heliocostus speciosus), spiral ginger, crepe ginger. 

The internet has lots of entries lately for this plant because some believe it is what they call the insulin plant, which aids in helping those with diabetes. I am not in the position to say whether this really is the real insulin plant as there are also insulin plants here in the country with different color forms. Moreover, i also don't know if the claim by insulin plant enthusiasts for diabetes is really true. I did not search for the scientific literatures on this matter, not for me to do that. 

But traditional knowledge in many countries in Asia, Southeast Asia and many literatures provide  different medicinal purposes of this plant. It is not only grown as medicinal plants but also as an ornamental. 

I looked at some sites selling this plant online, and the prices are not cheap by our organic plant standards here in the country. If only i can sell this, i can give them a lot and at lower prices, LOLs!


  1. A beautiful hidden gem, right there under your nose! So glad you decided to put it into the limelight!

    1. Thanks Angie, i put it into the limelight because it has gone famous here as insulin plant! hehehe

  2. what an interesting and beautiful plant

  3. Wow, never seen a flower like that. Not even in a garden centre. Groetjes, Hetty

    1. You don't see it there maybe because this is a tropical plant. The rhizomes are exported to cold countries as medicinal plant.

  4. The white flower reminds me of one of those white parrots. Yellow beak in the middle.

    1. Oh Sharon, i saw that only when you told me, hahaha!

  5. That is a stunner! How interesting that it's so sturdy and able to survive the odds against it. A beautiful bloom and an interesting plant!

    1. Yes Beth, this plant is a survivor, imagine i only attended to it when one of its species is being marketed as a health plant of diabetics! And i saw at the internet that this same plant as mine is also being sold as is, but i still doubt if this is true!


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