
Monday, February 22, 2016

Let's have some macro!

These past few days i am amused at some water droplets. In the hot tropics, water evaporates so fast and water droplets just cling in there for a few seconds only. They either immediately drop or evaporate.

So now that our temperatures are colder, meaning 24-26C, i hurriedly try to take some droplet shots in the morning. Still, they drop even before i can get some decent shots. The wind is also a factor in focusing, so it really is difficult outdoors at the mercy of wind and sunlight.

 At least i got this hoya nectar mixed with water drops, reflecting the inverted hoya plants. It took me awhile, but i am already happy with this. My knees ached for the unusual position.

 Tip of Sanchezia speciosa, refracting its leaves.

Dewdrops on the Sanchezia speciosa leaf

Macro Monday 2


  1. Well, I'd say you were successful! These are exquisite photos. Magical. :)

  2. Beautiful photos!!!!

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. You can be satisfied, the droplets hanging on your Hoya are quite spectacular. I'm looking forward to temperatures of 24 degr.C., but that will take another 3 months I suppose.

    1. OMG, another 3 months! That is still so far away. I might not live longer in your temperatures, haha. Thanks Janneke for patronizing my posts.

  4. The top on is definitely my favourite, the focus and lighting are spot on


  5. Great photos, and you've given me new appreciation for the abundance of water droplets on plants in my climate. ;-) -Jean

    1. Oh yes Jean, when i was in New Zealand i can linger on the drops longer than here at home. thanks.


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