
Monday, February 29, 2016

Drops and Yellows

I've been so engrossed with water droplets lately. The colder temperatures in the mornings allow this at home in the province, as they don't evaporate as quickly as in normal days. By colder, i just mean about 23-25C, and to us in the hot tropics that is cold enough. My friends in the temperate countries who have minus zero winters will laugh at me, but that is just our reality. How i really wish you can send us some cold winds when we are in the height of the dry season, with our temps at 35 to 38C! Can you relate with that? Probably you wont, and good you don't experience that.

yellow Ixora

yellow Hoya halconensis at opening

tomato flowers

a portal to the 4th dimension 

 another universe

 The path through the 4th D portal, can you see the person going in those steps?


  1. Fantastic shots - love the droplets!! Thanks for your visit.

  2. Gorgeous shots of the droplets.

  3. Beautiful flower photos and your capture of the droplets of water is just perfect!

  4. Pretty captures of the droplets and flowers. I am looking forward to some hot weather! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  5. Oh wow Andrea... The droplets are fantastic.. I love them and I know how hard it can be to photograph them.. Michelle

  6. Love those yellows, and the water droplet shots are amazing. -Jean

  7. Beautiful macros! You are so talented. I, too, find the Tomato flowers beautiful, and they're underappreciated. I think this summer I might try to do a post about the beauty of veggie and fruit blooms. Thanks for sharing your photography talents! :)

    1. You are so kind Beth, this is the first time i am told as talented photographer. I think i might just do that too with our vegies and fruits. I am a horticulturist but do the photos mostly for my hoyas, haha!

  8. How lovely! The droplets are just perfection!


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