
Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Own Beach Drama

One Saturday, I was at home in the province, i decided to be at the beach to document our sunrise.  Somehow it gets shameful that i have been going to other far places just for the sunrise and sunsets. Sometimes it takes long hours, many transport vehicles and much more funds just to see them. I truly wonder why i haven't been to our own beach to be familiar with it, and the beauty it shows to those who are willing to see.

I really admit, it was indeed a shame I watched this only for the first time! A mere 3km separate us from this shore. We are facing the east coast. When you are in your own bed, to take a bath and changing your house clothes seem very difficult tasks. It took many sunrises and sunsets from many places before I fully decided to be familiar with our own place. At least it is not yet too late.

 I arrived here at around 5:30 a.m., just in time for the sunrise. There are still some electric lights in the horizon.

In a few minutes, the sun peeped through near the mountain on the left. During the dry season the sun is normally at that position. At some point throught the year the sun can be at the extreme right of the mountain at the right. 

The sun rises fast and i have to be quick, left and right, far and near i clicked. I have two cameras and they come really handy. However, i didn't have time for a long exposure shot. I am tempted to just sit in there and absorb all the moments without looking at the viewfinder. 

You will never ran out of subjects and frames even if you remain at your position. Just look right and left and keep on clicking. This is to the right showing Maricaban Island at the horizon. You wont believe me, i haven't been there, a mere 40 minutes away. Two small rock promontories at the distance provide the name of the place, Pulang Bato meaning Red Rock. 

Up close the colorfull stones are very interesting. The reds and browns reveal the iron deposits under our areas, maybe even under our houses and farms. They come in different concentrations showing as different degree of colors on the stones. This might not be a very good beach for swimming because of the rocky shore, but the colors suffice for the inconvenience. Other stone colors reveal the previous volcano activities throughout our history, and others are coral fossils. No stones are alike in this shore.
 A broken rock shows the iron filling as reddish brown pattern. I have to find a geologist to explain to me these findings.

Pulang Bato, we call this place. Those two rocks on the water are previously colored just like that on the right cliff, but oxidation and exposure to the elements got them black. The cliff remains fresh as erosion goes on continuously. When we were kids, those are still close together near the cliff and we can still pass to the other side of the cove during low tide. These days, water could really have risen, nobody can go through that way anymore.

A few minutes later it is already hot, and motorized boats begin to pass by.  Heat starts to get through the skin so i started to prepare for home.

 But then, looking up at the west sky there among the weeds is the moon. Oh My God, can i resist that! I cannot even change for a longer lens, it is already very hot at 7:00am.

I guess, a continuation of this will be done for the other shoots i made with the details. Part II here i come. Please bear with me.


  1. What a lovely post about your own nearby beach. I enjoyed reading about the beach, rocks and islands. Looking forward to part two.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  2. You intro reminds me of the story about 2 children who set out to find a bluebird: they travel all over the world only to find it in their own backyard when they return home. Indeed, happiness and the enjoyment of life is always one's choice!
    Enjoy your sunsets, whenever and wherever!

  3. My goodness, how very stunning! Sometimes it takes a change of venue to see the beauty of the world. Other times, all we need to do is look out the window, or walk down to the beach. No matter where we are, there is beauty all around us in nature. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos!

    1. Yes Beth, when you always wake up with these kind of colors at your bedroom window, you thought it is only very ordinary! It really is a shame that i had that thinking, then now i am changing perspective. I will be the advocate of the beauty of my own place.

  4. What a gorgeous sunrise - you're lucky to have that nearby. I'm over 1,500 km from the nearest sea!

  5. Gorgeous photos! I love the colours.

  6. You are very right and I too should get out and look at places nearby that I haven't visited in years or not at all. But that beach with the rocks and the cliffs..the sunrises... amazing colors. I am so glad you made the trip Andrea and shared the photos.. Michelle

  7. Gorgeous images, a paradise.. I love the sky shots, just beautiful!

  8. Waht a wonderful stone beach! ♥ I understand that you go there :-)

  9. I never seem to get across the street to the have inspired me to try soon...fabulous shots of the sun and the beach...looking forward to more.

  10. Such beautiful views of these water worlds. And love the wide variety of stone colours too.

  11. I had to go back, since I missed these. They are amazing images and dreamlike scenes. What a gorgeous beach,

    Mersad Donko Photography


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