
Monday, April 20, 2015

Natural Leaf Calligraphy

I am taking photos of my hippeastrum which sent a scape so early even if the dry season has just started. It normally flowers after the first heavy rains in May or if it has suffered a long dry season and got a little watering. I asked my sister if she watered it, and yes she did.

I did not post the full photo as my my objective in posting is for the macro shot. I can make different figures from the outcome of the weeds below. Can you discern yours? To me it looks like some Chinese or Jappanese calligraphy, but because i don't know how to read any of them, i pass the reading to anyone of you who does.


  1. It really does look like calligraphy. Lovely image!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Oh, yes, it does! Very perceptive on your part, and a beautiful image.

    1. Hahaha Beth, i am so amused of this myself. Haven't seen the same in all my years!

  3. Beautiful and interesting image!

  4. Awesome shadow captures and image! Have a happy week!

  5. This....well, it's sublime!!! [and your post title is perfect]

    I'd like to invite you to Hootin' Anni's to view a special post of nature's thrilling day for me.

  6. Beautiful color and perfect macro. And yes it does look like calligraphy.

  7. Great macros making interesting shadows. They do look like some characters of some language.... Michelle


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