
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November Blooms as Gift to the Other Side!

The times are bad in some portions of our country. Lives, properties, and some hopes were gone. I and my family are spared from the devastation, but friends are in the midst of the drama unfolding before our eyes. We cannot do much but pray, send our loving kindness. After four days, we are slowly getting some news about our friends, as makeshift communication systems are installed, and mobile phones start to be used again. Television channels around the world are full of news about us; relief goods, services and fund donations keep pouring in, and i hope these will fuel our indomitable spirits, and we will move on and be alive again!

I am offering these blooms for those who have transcended to the other dimension. Let their experiences and lost lives be gifts of sacrifices for the living and the world to learn.. These are blooms from our own garden during this month of sorrow!

a firespike, Odontonema strictum

  a rose as a symbol of love

 Ixora, locally called 'santan'



 cat whiskers

Eucharis grandiflora

a white Dendrobium orchid

a lily

 Impatiens balsamina

 hedge of Ixora

Dracaena surcolosa or Florida beauty

 fortune plant or Dracaena fragrans


  1. These flowers are so lovely and truly they do speak of dedication to the ones who suffered loss.

    There is so much healing needed during this times of sorrow.
    May God be merciful and grant peace to those who suffer the great loss of this tragedy.
    And that eternal flowers of love, joy & peace surround those who had passed away..

  2. I've read that even though donations are pouring in, but it does not reach the people most in need even after 5 days. This results in riots, looting and much despair. Hundreds of bodies are left unburied due to politics in some instances. I hope that aid will reach them fast and let these people be alleviated from their most unfortunate situation.

  3. my prayers are with you all.

    the road to recovery and normalcy is long. it is my hope that the assistance to rebuild never wavers even though media coverage wanes.

  4. Andrea, I am so sorry for your country and people. What tragedy! We will continue to pray. Your flowers are stunning. I like the hedge with the orange flowers. Love the cat's whiskers too.

  5. My prayers are for your country and the people who have suffered such loss.

  6. Beautiful flowers....nature can give such beauty & such destruction. I was in Hurricane Katrina so I know how horrible the experience can to you & your family.

  7. Your country is one very dear to my heart and have prayed that those most in need get the help they so desperately need. My own extended family live in Samar and were affected by this horrendous storm. No bad news of family members but the village is devastated.
    Your blog today is a lovely thought and a lovely testament to the event.

  8. Hello,
    Thanks for visiting my blog! This is such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing your flowers and thoughts during this difficult time. We are praying for the people of your country, and for those bringing aid.

  9. I'm so sorry about the typhoon. I hope lives are starting to return to some normalcy. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. Your photos are beautiful as always! I'm sorry if this is a duplicate comment--I thought I had left one, but now I don't see it here. Best wishes, and warm regards.

  10. I appreciate all your comments, kind words and concern for me, my family and our people. I pray that we recover fast especially with all the world helping us.
    May God bless us all.

  11. A lovely tribute to all those who lost their lives over there. It was simply devastating watching the story unfold on the TV, but I can only imagine how much harder it must be for those who are still waiting for news of their families and loved ones. It's terrific to know that you and yours are safe and well. I know it will take a very long time indeed for the devastated towns and areas to recover from this disaster. We have members of our school community here who are still waiting on news of family.

  12. God bless you and your countryman. I volunteered for Operation Christmas Child yesterday- they are promising 500,000 boxes for the children affected in your region. May they offer some comfort during these difficult times.


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