
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Little Piece of Sky!

Looking at my 5th Floor Window is a habit whenever I am home at this holy hour! My skies produce a lot of varied colors in my sky canvas. And the painter works so fast, that it has already changed even without my knowing it, even before i fully appreciate the view. These colors happened in just a few seconds, it sometimes doesn't even allow me to change the lens. 



  1. A beautiful sky, lovely photographs. Thank you for stopping by my blog :)

  2. I never ever tire of fabulous sky shots, and these are fantastic photos.

  3. I love skies like this - spectacular. And they do change quickly!

  4. That was fast....
    Colour changing - I mean.

  5. Oh my... These are wonderful Andrea... Michelle

  6. These are awesome skies indeed, Andrea!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and I do appreciate your comment! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy!!

  7. Great shots, and they really do change incredibly fast!

  8. Wow - how gorgeously vibrant!

  9. Such variations! Loved the changes. :)

  10. lucky you having this access to beautiful sunrise and sunset from the comforts of your home.

  11. Oh what burning clouds ! And they are clever, keep us on our toes. ;)

    Nisha - Le Monde-A Poetic Travail


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