
Monday, July 29, 2013

Rain Come Again!

It has always been fascinating to come out of the house after the rain, most specially here in the tropics. A lot of subjects look very different than what we are used to. But the raindrops are not as fascinating when the rain is intense. Of course it is worst when rains produced flooding, but that is another story.

 Our crinum mostly loves rain, in fact it blooms only at the middle of the rainy season. The scent is still heavenly, dry or wet.

 Blooms in an umbel open at different times, sothe scent lingers around it for a longer time, depending on the number of blooms on a stalk. This particular umbel stayed fragrant for more than a week.

 Raindrops on rose leaves

 I love the colors of young rose leaves, from maroon gradually turning pale until it becomes normal green, and eventually yellow at dehiscence. It is nice to have the raindrops on the individual points along the leaf margins. I guess this is very prominent in temperate climates during frost, but with us raindrops are enough to pacify us.

 Blades of grass seem so contented after each rain. 

Look at those blobs holding tightly and so firmly, fighting the force of gravity! It's incredible.

....and this Caladium got its share of the downpour by cupping its leaves. I just don't know if it provides some cooling effect to it. I have been thinking of the real advantage of getting water that way, as it does't seep through at all to the main plant. At the least, some mosquitoes will try to lay eggs on it which will not be advantageous at all to the caladium. Hmmm, this is something to search about. Will evolution have an answer?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My New Friend

My younger sister keep some goats at home in the province. When her two kids were still young they love playing games with the goats' kids. It is amusing that all of them are called "kids", though the human kids are much bigger. The goat-kids when fully attended and played with by young human-kids, think maybe that they are human-kids too. The most pampered ones even enter the house and bit the skirt of anybody there for attention. They are so adorable.

However, we don't have the goat- kids these days, moreso human-kids. My niece and nephew are already in college and in high school, respectively. But wen there are goat-kids at home, i never fail to also play with them. Everybody has grown up, so i can now have more time for plants and butterflies.

 This is our mature male goat, he kept on moving around and doesn't want my touch. He also likes to pose this way, which alludes my understanding. I particularly like him because of the pair of bling-blings hanging on his neck. Isn't that cute! They are very soft but he doesn't allow me to touch it. There is also a lovely design on the side of its neck, beneath the ears.

At the back is his sister, who cries incessantly whenever her brother is tethered out of sight. They grow together, and been  very attached to each other more than humans do. Try to put the other at the other side of the wall, and they will both not stop crying very loudly. You will not be able to sleep overnight hearing them, if you do that. Hearing the other one will not assure the other of their presence, they must be very near, almost touching. Aren't they adorable. I consider him my new friend, even if he doesn't like me!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Lovely Weeds

It's been a while since I last posted, but i assure you I miss blogging and commenting on your posts. I hope to recover your visits and follow-ups. We are at the middle of our rainy season, and there are more flowers and creatures to post, however I just really was so busy these past few weeks. I even missed the GBBD for July. Anyway, i hope to cope next month.

It's been raining last weekend when i was at home in the province, a good chance to take pictures. The following are all after rain shots.

 A raindrop at the end of a grass flower spike, with pollen grains hanging on it.

 I just realized that their pollen grains are so long, no wonder grasses are very invasive, a lot of pollens inside them will ensure success of seed production.

 Above is almost the actual size of the grass flower spikes.

 This weed (Wedelia trilobata) has become a lovely side street ground cover, invasive and covers other grasses not as vigorous in growth. Bad soil doesn't deter its profuse growth, really meant to be invasive.

 The spikes of the above weed flower are almost 3 inches. When plenty on the roadsides, the purplish hue is beautiful when swaying with the wind.

 The very tiny white specks at the tip of those hairy parts are the pollen grains.

 This foliage is also lovely as an ornamental foliage. The leaves are not yet serrated at juvenile stage, but show them till maturity. It is a Philodendron that climbs very tall trees, evergreen and withstand our hot and long dry seasons. The trunk of our 5 story-high  tree isfully covered by this vine, which resembles Monstera deliciosa when mature.

A lot of it just sprout anywhere in non-farmed areas. These profuse growth of the juvenile young plants are very near our yard. Some enterprising gardeners sell them in pots in garden centers.