
Monday, July 29, 2013

Rain Come Again!

It has always been fascinating to come out of the house after the rain, most specially here in the tropics. A lot of subjects look very different than what we are used to. But the raindrops are not as fascinating when the rain is intense. Of course it is worst when rains produced flooding, but that is another story.

 Our crinum mostly loves rain, in fact it blooms only at the middle of the rainy season. The scent is still heavenly, dry or wet.

 Blooms in an umbel open at different times, sothe scent lingers around it for a longer time, depending on the number of blooms on a stalk. This particular umbel stayed fragrant for more than a week.

 Raindrops on rose leaves

 I love the colors of young rose leaves, from maroon gradually turning pale until it becomes normal green, and eventually yellow at dehiscence. It is nice to have the raindrops on the individual points along the leaf margins. I guess this is very prominent in temperate climates during frost, but with us raindrops are enough to pacify us.

 Blades of grass seem so contented after each rain. 

Look at those blobs holding tightly and so firmly, fighting the force of gravity! It's incredible.

....and this Caladium got its share of the downpour by cupping its leaves. I just don't know if it provides some cooling effect to it. I have been thinking of the real advantage of getting water that way, as it does't seep through at all to the main plant. At the least, some mosquitoes will try to lay eggs on it which will not be advantageous at all to the caladium. Hmmm, this is something to search about. Will evolution have an answer?


  1. What a fascinating post after your tropical rain. Your photos are wonderful and the one of raindrops clinging to the underside of a leaf is stunning! How glad I am that I called in on you while we are having winter here :)

    1. Thank you so much for the appreciation EarthAppleJane. I am glad I have gained a follower 'perhaps', haha! And I am now inspired to concoct a name like MoonMangoAndrea. I hope you drop by again soon.

  2. these are beautiful, Andrea--they're poetic. water droplets are fascinating and beautiful subjects. excellent shots.

    i wish i have better lens.:(

  3. Beautiful captures of the water droplets!!!
    Have a great week!

  4. Fabulous shots! I wish I had a camera good enough to take photos like these.

  5. Hi Andrea, I love the photos of the water droplets on the blades of grass. I have taken many shots of the caladium with a big drop of water too. They are in my archive waiting to be digitally dusted off for posting.

    1. Hi Elsie, i love talking photos of raindrops and dewdrops, but my success is still very low! I also have a lot on Colocasia and anywhere else. LOL

  6. stunning macros of raindrops! How wonderful for you to have the umbel's scent for such a long time. That is my idea of heaven on Earth.

    1. hahaha, heaven on earth huh! thanks for dropping by Norma.

  7. So beautiful...especially the drops of rain on the leaves! Wonderful images!

  8. Wonderful macros Andrea......our monsoon has been terrific this year and the plants are very very happy:) Hope you keep getting that much needed rain!

  9. Fantastic shots! I love the water drops on the leaves! Here in Austria we are waiting for rain...

  10. Hi Andrea!! All wonderful shots. I particularly like the first one, and also the raindrops on the blades of grass!!

    I'm visiting your page via 'NF Blo-Ma'

  11. Lovely close up shots. I can almost smell the Crinum, and you capture the raindrops beautifully.

  12. These are stunning macros, with your watermark so elegantly placed on each photo. It's a beautiful essay on the strength and life-giving force of water. Very nice!

    1. Hi Beth, you are so kind, and this is the first time someone noticed my watermark, haha! Most people don't appreciate the rain as much as i do, i think. Rains always make me feel envirated, maybe am just so emphatic with plants.

  13. Amazing photos...the raindrops just sparkle

  14. These pictures are so uplifting capturing the beauty of the flower and caladium leaf.

    1. Thanks so much Donna, they let me feel the same!

  15. What a wonderful set of photos. Very beautiful!

  16. Awesome pictures!!
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