
Monday, July 22, 2013

Lovely Weeds

It's been a while since I last posted, but i assure you I miss blogging and commenting on your posts. I hope to recover your visits and follow-ups. We are at the middle of our rainy season, and there are more flowers and creatures to post, however I just really was so busy these past few weeks. I even missed the GBBD for July. Anyway, i hope to cope next month.

It's been raining last weekend when i was at home in the province, a good chance to take pictures. The following are all after rain shots.

 A raindrop at the end of a grass flower spike, with pollen grains hanging on it.

 I just realized that their pollen grains are so long, no wonder grasses are very invasive, a lot of pollens inside them will ensure success of seed production.

 Above is almost the actual size of the grass flower spikes.

 This weed (Wedelia trilobata) has become a lovely side street ground cover, invasive and covers other grasses not as vigorous in growth. Bad soil doesn't deter its profuse growth, really meant to be invasive.

 The spikes of the above weed flower are almost 3 inches. When plenty on the roadsides, the purplish hue is beautiful when swaying with the wind.

 The very tiny white specks at the tip of those hairy parts are the pollen grains.

 This foliage is also lovely as an ornamental foliage. The leaves are not yet serrated at juvenile stage, but show them till maturity. It is a Philodendron that climbs very tall trees, evergreen and withstand our hot and long dry seasons. The trunk of our 5 story-high  tree isfully covered by this vine, which resembles Monstera deliciosa when mature.

A lot of it just sprout anywhere in non-farmed areas. These profuse growth of the juvenile young plants are very near our yard. Some enterprising gardeners sell them in pots in garden centers. 


  1. Some nice grasses! Hope you become less busy and are able to relax!

  2. Andrea, are these native plants? The grass photos are lovely....

    1. I am sorry Gail, even if these weeds have been here for a very long time, I am not aware if they are natives. We don't have yet a very good reference for native weeds here, just like other countries do. Even some plants, which i thought are native sometimes turn out to be introduced by the Spaniards during the colonization era.

  3. Great photos!
    I really like the close-ups of the seed heads!
    Happy Wildflower Wednesday!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. Beautiful photos, Andrea! Seeing all those tiny pollen grains helps me understand why I am having so much trouble getting rid of weedy grasses here:) But I'd love to have some of that Wedelia--such pretty little blooms!

  5. I am always drawn to beauty growing wild. These are lovely!

  6. Fabulous shots! Very beautiful shapes and textures on these.

  7. You have some of the most lovely weeds.

  8. thanx for your beautiful weekend flowers! :)

  9. it feels like forever since I had time to sit and enjoy everyone's posts...I am so glad I could drop by today and see your addition to my little party! Thank you so much for linking into my little party this week...I appreciate and enjoy every post!
    I hope you will link in again and again!
    I am also sharing your post to the Tootsie Time Facebook page!
    Have a great week!

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


  10. I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely photos of plants and raindrops. Thanks for visiting my WW post.


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