
Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Reds for those in Winter Climes

Many garden bloggers today are still in winter, their gardens are nowhere under deep files of snow, and they most of the time stay inside their homes with heaters to get a semblance of comfortable environment. I can only imagine and visualize these conditions. I cannot for the depth of me,  in any way empathize with their feelings and conditions, because aside from the artificial Snow Park in, of all places, Dubai desert, I haven't experience winter. The only snow I saw was the snowcap of the Taurus Mountains in Turkey. The only real snow i touched is during the snowdrop festival in Ibradi, Turkey, and it is already thawing and flowing down the slopes. 

I am posting hot and warm photos with the good sincere thoughts that I can give these blogger friends some warmth. What the eyes see is transmitted to the mind and can affect the feelings. So please keep warm, my blogger friends! These are for you.

Euphorbia millii

Caladium bicolor




  1. Takie piękne kwiaty, to lato, a lato to ciepło. Dziękuję za to i pozdrawiam.
    Such beautiful flowers this summer, and summer is the heat. Thank you for that and greet.

  2. Replies
    1. yes i took the photo because of that, it was so early in the morning!

  3. I agree with Luna the euphorbia really looks like frosted. I love it! :)

  4. great macro and wonderful red ! Thanks for sharing summer colors with us !

  5. Yep we are captured in a world of grey and dull at the moment. I am looking forward to the spring! Thanks for the colour injection!


  6. Andrea I love you for providing these glorious colors as all we see is white, brown and maybe a bit of green!

  7. Thank you so much! The Heliconia is breathtaking.

  8. Gorgeous, rich, bright colours! So love the macro of the variegation in the second photo!

  9. Love the Heliconia! And yes, it's nice to see flowers in the winter.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous ~ wonderful photography ~

    A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  11. Gorgeous photography. What kind of lens do you use? Btw, as for your downstairs neighbors giving you crap about your plants...that's ridiculous. Unless you're growing a man-sized carnivorous plant (a la "Little Shop of Horrors), I don't know what sort of nuisance your plants could be causing.

    1. hahaha, our breed will get mad at those below me, but i am the only one with plants in the new condo building of 7 stories. They 'sumbong' to the admin and one admin staff told me they were afraid they might fall. I just said yes but didn't remove anything yet. I guess they get alarmed by some droplets sometimes when their window was open!

      Anyway, till they complain again! I am using Olympus E-620 so in this photo i used Zuiko 35mm macro. I wish i have f1.8 but that is so expensive. Thanks.

  12. Luckily, I really appreciate our cold winters. Still, it's wonderful of you to share some of your native plants--so exotic in color and form.

  13. Thank you Andrea for these beautiful colors. They are all just marvelous and as you know I am so tired of staring at trees with no leaves and yellowish brown dormant grass! Thanks so much for stopping y my site too.

    I hope you have a great week!
    Happy RT:-)

    1. You're welcome Jackie, i can sense that winter is like a period of seclusion, melancholic and maybe affecting some emotions. That's why the word hibernation eventually come to mean solitude and cold. Keep warm and i hope i can give a bit of warmth, no matter how tiny!

  14. Beautiful photos to see, and yes, very refreshing too! If I want to see fresh flowers, I have to get to the Conservatory..

  15. They're all beutiful, but the first shot is spectacular.

  16. "warm" red pictures indeed ! Thank you for sharing !


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