
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Shadow Shot

Shadow shots are always fascinating to take. Most of us have at least taken our own shadow!

Shadows have a lot of things to tell us. And there are layers and layers of things to see and discern in these shadow shot. At the top layer is the most obvious, the shadow of some vines. Underneath are mosses and lichens now beginning to dry with our approaching dry season and absence of rain. Lichens are complex symbionts of many different organisms evolutionary finding peace in co-existence to be at peace for life. At the bottom of the lichens, you can glimpse some letters, because the parent material here is a can with embossed paint. And of course the tin can which supported all these convergences provide some iron to whichever organism needing it. And i think this small space is a world on its own, a lot of processes from food chain-to metabolic processes-to physiological processes-to weathering and decomposition happening at the same time. A real world on its own! This small space can make a big thesis to explore and study! Fascinating!


  1. What a great picture! Lichens are so interesting. They were all over the live oak trees in South Carolina.

  2. Really like the shadow play here, nice capture.

    Yes, that was the color of the sky I saw that night, it was awesomely dramatic! =) Thank you

  3. Na tym zdjęciu jest cień drzewa i wspaniałe światło słoneczne. Pozdrawiam.
    In this photo is a great shade trees and sunlight. Yours.

  4. A wonderfully golden shot!

  5. thank you for sharing your world ...

  6. Love the depth of your intriguing macro world! A fascinating image that in many ways reminds me of a visionary painting cast with a few shadows from yesterday!

    1. Wow Gemma, you are very kind! You always write with mystic tones and i like that!

  7. Hello Kalantikan and thank you for stopping by my blog !
    This is a wonderful intricate shadow shot within a detailed world of it's own as you have tried to lead us through !
    In the Spring and summer of my garden, I also have a lot of lichen and moss .. lichen on my many pieces of drift wood from the lakes in this area actually called "Land of a Thousand Lakes" so I also am intrigued by the tiny life sources that make such a difference in our world : )
    This was a great shadow shot !

    1. Thank you CanadianGardenJoy, my pleasure for your visit. The somewhat hidden are very intriguing and amazing, that gets the most curious of us. We also have here a City of 7 Lakes and they are visible on the commercial plane! I can't imagine the thousands!

  8. Looks like a painting! I'd frame it.

    1. Oh thanks Janet, i made it my desktop background!

  9. wonderful shot and text to go with it. you're a fabulous writer, i must say.


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