
Monday, January 28, 2013

Jewels Under the Leaves

I have two kinds of 'rubies' here. The first one, i thought are just specks on the leaf near this bug. I was actually taking shots of the bug, although it is just only half a centimeter long. After 2 shots i touched the reddish spots with a leaf and the insect fell off together with the 2 red specks. When looking at the photos in my computer, i realized they are actually babies of the insect. They are safely attached to the legs of the mother, oh how so convenient! I just concluded that this insect is so caring with her youngsters, oh how so cute!

And this 2nd ruby looks really stunning and so glittering in its full red regalia. This is a spider that apparently lacked the other 2 right legs. I wonder what happened but i guess it is now doubly crippled. I promise, i didn't have any contribution in their removal. I saw this already looking this way. I've looked at so many plants in the vicinity, but I can't find any other spider looking like this. This seemed to be alone in its world. I am so sorry, spiders don't have the capacity to regenerate their appendages, so it might have to stay cripple the rest of its life.

   Ruby Tuesday 2


  1. Wonderful macros! Love the splash of red, bug and all...enjoy your day!

  2. Very nice macros ! So sharp and bright !

  3. magnificent macros... so tenderly photographed!

  4. Oh my goodness these are just marvelous...breathtaking!

  5. Beautiful shots of these interesting bugs.

  6. Very well taken macro shots. Keep it up.

  7. Fabulous photos and I'm sure I've never described a bug as cute before but that first one, after reading your description, really is!

    1. Thank you Michelle, a macro lens really opened my consciousness to the world of these very small creatures!

  8. Are you sure they are babies, not eggs?

    1. Yes Jason, they are babies because there are already cute, cute, cute legs! LOL

  9. Wow I have never seen red insects here...I love them.

    1. Hi Donna, thanks for always visiting my posts. But i am so sorry i cannot open your site as the link from your name here.

  10. Great macros Andrea..I wonder what happened to that spider...Michelle


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