
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Come in Pairs!

 Look i have some birds too! I have always been fascinated by bird's photos in blogs, but i cannot show many of them. I get a bit disappointed when it comes to birds because we have a lot of them too in our property. My niece and nephew can even identify the birds with just their sounds. And they can even distinguish one from the other even if they are so almost similar, at least to me. Nobody seems to remember that it was I who introduced birds to their awareness when they were still babies.

Back to the disappointment of not having bird shots, the reason is the lack of good camera lens. But when they get nearer, my 150mm can sometimes get them too. And of course, they have to be alighted on something, or else i cannot do justice to them when in flight.

 This is the common 'maya' or Philippine trogon, Harpactes ardens. It is endemic to the Philippines and sometimes pose a problem to rice farmers. The above photo is in our backyard in the province, but there are also a lot of them in the cities. The one at the right seems to have just bathed and drying up, while the other talks to it incessantly. I don't know their genders, so i guess at the left is the female! What do you think?

Our mother and son cats. I remember when One (blogger from Malaysia) still has a blog, she is in awe how i was able to get animal photos which have almost the same position to the camera. I guess when you know how animals behave, you know how to coach them pose for you! Look at their eyes, different colors eh!

 Crossandra infundibuliformis and Petunia hybrida.

I remember when my nephew was 6 years old i taught him to memorize the scientific names of porter weed and Crossandra. I don't know its common name so i always call it crossandra. By the way, porter weeds scientific name is Stachetarpheta jamaicensis. Can you visualize my nephew's mother's big eyes when her son showed her crossandra and porterweed flowers by their scientific names!

This is the flower of the common vegetable, upland kangkong/Chinese kangkong or Ipomoea aquatica. This is also my first time to see its flowers, as we always just see the top shoots and stems for sale. If i didn't let it grow old i would not be privileged to see the purely white flowers!


  1. LOL! Good One! Love that pose!

  2. Great post, love your pairs! The kitties are cute and the flowers are gorgeous. Have a happy day!

    1. Hi Eileen, it is a shame to you showing my bird shots, as you're a good birder with wonderful lenses! Thank you

  3. All your pairs are really terrific! I love everything about them.

  4. Wonderful post and photography ~ Those cats are so adorable as are the bird photos too ~

    Carol of : A Creative Harbor ^_^

  5. I agree that it is hard to get good photos of birds without a good lens and also they move so fast. I only get photos when I am lucky and most of them are just OK.. but it is fun anyway. I love how you passed down you love of nature and your knowledge to the next generation. We are going to need them to care for the planet...Michelle from Nature Notes..

    1. Yes Michelle, at least even if only in that area alone 'effects on children', i at the very least have a certain legacy for the planet, haha! Best regards and take care!

  6. lovely pairs all of them. Love the cat´s eyes.

    1. yes, fascinating, we even had a cat long ago with different eye colors, i wonder if its vision is the same!

  7. Your cats are adorable. Also your Ipomoea aquatica reminds me of I. tricolor, our Morning Glory, but with a lovely cream color.

    1. Thank you Jason for your regular visits to my posts, i truly appreciate it. We have the 'morning glory' type of flowers in many colors, many are of Ipomoea species and some have different genus.

  8. I don't have bird photos either. I like the photo you posted here. I am tantalized by the mother cat's eyes, wow, is that green green. Well next to her son, it is very bright.

  9. this comment is on a adsense subject you left of my google page rank post...I too was not able to get an adsense account...for crying out loud I have no idea why, and when trying to figure it out, it took so much time and I got no where, so I stopped trying. honestly, unless you have a lot of traffic, it is not even worth it. :-)

    1. Thanks Amanda, i really stopped trying because their reply for my other blogsite looks as if i am posting 'adult contents', which i don't! Never mind!

  10. What lovely bird shots - and I love the theme of pairs too.

  11. Fina fåglar jag gillar fåglar.
    Och söta katter,
    Ha en fin torsdag
    Kram Meta


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