
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Biological Diversity

Bloggers in Europe have groups identifying or observing beneficial insects like lady bugs in their gardens. They formally include this activity in their everyday chores.Then they have online database to enter their observations. I am so amazed at this activity and hope to have a parallel activity in the country even at least for butterflies. Maybe identifying species numbers and locations for butterflies will be an enticing project or activity for many enthusiasts. However, I am not in the position to start on a big project like that. So i will start on something I am capable of and will not entail coaxing or enticing people.

I have started identifying the species in our property to hopefully later on enumerate all the species found in the area. Our area can already be the sampling unit to represent the species richness in our municipality. Biodiversity or Species Diversity Index can also be computed when data proved sufficient. There are authorities in this field here in the country, but specific vulnerable areas, endangered or protected areas are the subject of concern. In the case of private properties like ours, I will start on my own biodiversity enumeration. Simultaneous with that i am also trying to enumerate the butterflies. Of course, i am asking help from some friends for identification because i am not a taxonomist in forestry, botany or entomology. I am a horticulturist so i can on my own handle the fruits and vegetables identification.

A formula in finding Biodiversity Index to describe the amount of species diversity in a given area is being used by scientists. An example of a simple Biodiversity Index is calculated as follows:

the number of species in the area (numerator) / the total number of individuals in the area (denominator)
= Biodiversity Index
Example 1. a 4X4 meter square area in a carrot patch has 300 carrot plants, all the same species. It has a very love biodiversity index of 1/300 or 0.003

Example 2. a 4X4 meter square area in the forest has 1 pine tree, 1 fern, 1 conifer tree, 1 moss, and 1 lichen, for  a total of 5 different species and 5 individuals. The biodiversity index here is high, 5/5=1. REFERENCE

A more complicated formula is given by the Simpson's Diversity Index (REFERENCE)

n = the total number of organisms of a particular species
N = the total number of organisms of all species

There are more complicated formulas and parameters considered. But in my case, for my purpose, the simplest will do!

This is the biodiversity site at the back of our property, just a few meters from our house. I was so amused at this photo because of the animal-looking structure at the center, made so by the vines constricting a tree branch. This area is just like an oasis between farmed areas, and give sanctuary to insects, reptiles and birds. How would you like a secondary forest like these near your house?

The south slope of Mt Gulugod Baboy going to Mt Tore

Mt Tore as shot from Mt Gulugod Baboy.  Thicker vegetation is found in these areas as it is not easily accessible to cattle grazers and tourist campers. 

The path to Mt Gulugod Baboy in December, when nights are short and temperatures colder than any other months of the year. Foggy mornings characterize these areas during the rainy season.


  1. Andrea these are gorgeous vistas...I would love that is amazing the math we can do to research our land and how well it is doing... perhaps I will try it someday soon. for now I am adding more natives.

    1. Hello Donna, thank you. I like to believe these views are really gorgeous, and am sad my usual readers and friends at the other site did not see this. haha.

  2. Andrea I would love to have that forest is fascinating the math we can use to help discover more about our land and what grows on it...perhaps I will try it someday...for now I plant more native species.

  3. Hello Andrea!!! I'm back. My first impression of your secondary forest around your lot is...."YES!!! I would so love to have something like this bordering my property." Absolutely gorgeous....and the vines over the tree really make your pic stand out. I can only imagine the wildlife you see around your area. Hope you are well. Kreesh:)

  4. Dear Andrea, I am struck by the similarity in our landscapes and surrounding forests. I am sure there is more diversity in your paradise. The math is interesting but more than I can take on right now. I gather you have a city and country home. Lovely and your photos are enchanting. I am trying to find your Baltimore Oriole post . . . next time I hope you will give me a link. ;>))


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