
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our Dry Season Scenes

The Philippines climate is considered tropical and maritime, characterized by relatively high temperatures, high humidity and abundant rainfall. These are basically the bases of our country's weather and climate, that produced our two major seasons: (1) rainy season from June to November, and (2) dry season from December to May. These are still divided to four types:
  • Type I. Two pronounced season: dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year.
  • Type II. No dry season with a pronounced rainfall from November to January.
  • Type III. Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April, and wet during the rest of the year.
  • Type IV. Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year.
Our property in the province has the Type I. With the climate changes being experienced now around the globe, we are not spared from that. Our temperatures are higher than the previous years! We are so thankful for the La Nina phenomenon, that produced some thunderstorms at the height of high temperatures. At least the sudden rains assuaged the heat from the cemented structures. These happened in March and in May. It gave us the feeling of slight comfort, which i am sure the plants do too!

A rainfed ricefield with rattoon crops hoping to get second harvest from the same plants suffer extreme paddy cracks. I hope the rains will still be able to save these plants. This is a shot in Majayjay, Laguna.

My mother's roses dry early because of too much heat.  The petals wilt its edges before being able to expand. That is because the soft and thin petals transpire so fast and cannot tolerate the high temperatures.

Kalanchoe being a succulent have more water reserves in its system, so was able to produce flowers. But the leaves turn yellowish-brown due to extreme heat and sunlight.

Asparagus ferns really cannot tolerate the conditions, the leaves totally died.

These native ferns are suffering with the heat too, but their rhizomes and root systems will be able to wait for the rains, when they eventually resume their green lives.



  1. Oh, your mother's poor roses... such beauties! I've always said the Philippines has four seasons: hot, hotter, hottest and wet. It's hot where I am, too, but perhaps not as hot as in Manila. Hope your hardware issues get fixed soon for you, Andrea. (Like others, I thought you were i Strasbourg again... but you tricked us. LOL!)

  2. I love learning about your seasons and hope you might link in to Seasonal starts Friday!

    1. Thanks Donna, i will keep that in mind. I hope i will remember, haha!

  3. It's about 20 degrees Celsius here in the UK now, which we consider 'hot'! You will find the testudinate ladybird/bug/beetle here on Project Noah.

    1. OMG Caroline, 20C is already very cold for us, hahaha! How i wish we can siphon in some of your cold temperatures. And thank you again for sending me that link for the ladybug.

  4. Very informative blog this week. Weather is playing havoc around the world it looks like this year.
    Joyce M

  5. Your Type I weather with pronounced dry and wet season will send appropriate signals to plants on when to rest and when to bloom and when they bloom, it will be more profuse. Our weather is more or less quite uniform, hence we don't have a specific blooming season. My roses are currently suffering the same burnt tips like your mom's.


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