
Monday, November 17, 2014

November Plants Showcase!

I almost forgot again the Plants Fiesta this month! OMG i almost panicked when i realized it is already the 17th of the month. I checked the GBBD Site at Maydreams Gardens and there still are places for linking. There is still a possibility that some people will see my post. Yes, i hope for that. Meantime, i still have to resize and put watermarks on them. Wow, i really am pressured.

I realized i have all the colors of the rainbow, ROYGBIV.

Red: Pentas lanceolata

 Reddish: Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Orange: Crossandra infundibuliformis

Orange: marigolds - Tagetes erecta

 Orange with purplish undersides: Vanda orchid

 Yellow: Chrysanthemum

Violet: Asystasia intrusa

Violet: Impatiens balsamina

Now my hoyas currently in bloom:

Orange: Hoya bifunda

 Yellow: Hoya buotii (yellow form)

Violet: Hoya buotii (purplish form)

If you are looking for Blue and Indigo, you will be disappointed like me, because they are seldom seen in the hot tropics. But we have the full blue sky, so that suffices our need for blue flowers, haha!

 This is not included in my Colors of the Rainbow, but i am sure you will be delighted too in seeing my Hoya diversifolia all blooming on top of our lanzones trees. The trees are more than 12 ft tall. Every side of the tree is covered and the flowers seem to be all smiling at all those who look up.

Do you know why they are smiling? Because to appreciate them, we get the risk of having stiff necks. Enjoy my friends.


  1. Hi Andrea, You left a nice comment on my Bloom Day post expressing concern that I posted a comment on May Dreams Gardens that I was weak. I think you misunderstood. I meant that I am weak when it comes to resisting the temptation of buying pretty plants when I see them at the grocery store. My health, I am happy to say, is just fine! I do appreciate your concern, though.

    I like your rainbow of blooms! We've had gray skies and icy rain here, so the beautiful blue sky is a refreshing sight to see! Your hoyas are all gorgeous, too! My grandmother grew one as an indoor vine in Western New York state, and I remember not only how beautiful it was when it bloomed, but also the wonderful scent it emitted! -- Kimberley

    1. Oh Kimberley, i am so sorry in misunderstanding your comment. I am glad you are fine! And thank you so much for you comment and information here. About the hoyas, yes they are so delightful. I have maybe almost 100 and when they bloom the scent is fascinating in our front yard near the garden. The air is so sweet, having coffee at the terrace is more wonderful. We grow them outside, so the scent also reaches the nearby street. Once again, thanks and sorry!

  2. You have so many beautiful blooms! And that butterfly--just gorgeous.

  3. You certainly do have many, many colours on show at the moment. Your Hoyas are simply magnificent and I do love that Asystasia. Great GBBD post.

  4. How fun to do a rainbow post! And what type of butterfly is that? What a gorgeous post!

  5. Det var många vackra blommor du visar. Fjärilen är ur läcker.
    Ha en fin dag

  6. So many beautiful flowers!! My favourite was the orange one with the butterfly!!

  7. I would love to have all of those Hoyas :) I have a few but not these as potplants.

  8. So nice to see beautiful color while we are deep in snow here...thank you Andrea.... Michelle

  9. I love all the different colours. What a joy to see on a grey day.

  10. Wonderful shots of the flowers and butterfly.

  11. Glad you were able to post all your warm flowers as we need them here...and love the ROYGBIV

  12. It's so beautiful there right now! I hope many people see these images!

  13. Really amazing flower and garden shots. The butterfly is so beautiful.

    Mersad Donko Photography


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