
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pusa's Ordeal Continued

Many of you have seen my previous post when Pusa (Cat) is still on her last few days before delivery. In fact  many of you guessed the number of kitties she will give birth to. I also posted her condition in Facebook, and the same here, only one guessed the correct number. She produced six, yes 6, the largest number in her long productive years, so far. We still don't know, she might still produce more than that in the future. Fortunately, all of them are strong, and after 3 weeks they already got out of their box, all of them already walking on the tiled floor. But most of the time, they are all asleep.

We guessed that they have three fathers, two pairs have the same color blends, and the two probably got their colors from the mother. There are 2 orange, 2 whites, 1 striped grey  and 1 tortoise.  That is a big brood to raise, i wonder if their mother finds it too difficult.

 Pusa, the mother has to wipe their whole body, all of them every now and then. And she does it when they are about to feed from her. The kitties own one each of the milk buckets from their mother's belly.  They literally feed most of the time. Look at that white with grey tail, a spot at the back, she has a symmetrical design also at the face. She is my choice among them.

 Her twin also has a grey tail, but with 4 black spots at the back, and bigger patches on the head. They are all so very cute, with all pink lips and pink toes.

 Pusa never stops cleaning each one, and it is difficult because they don't keep still. They just stay put when feeding from their mother's breasts. The problem with Pusa is, she immediately fell asleep the moment she lays her back and they start sucking!

 My favorite white is the most adventurous, it can already venture the farthest from their nest. And it is a little naughty, as she gets on top of everybody when they are feeding.

Immediately when they are in their proper positions, Pusa suddenly doses off, i guess she really lacks needed sleep. She is tired most of the time. Oh how so loving mother Pusa is!

Now, you must read this PS.:

I haven't told you at the beginning, that Pusa always want to have humans beside her when she is in labor. This time nobody was in the house and she was pathetic in her meowing. Fortunately, my sister living in another house came by, and seeing Pusa in delivery mode, she stayed and kept her company, prepared the bed and stayed for a while. When already three of the kitties came out, she went to her home believing every kitties are all out. Imagine her pity when she later found out that Pusa followed her to the house! She drove it away because of the newborns she left behind in our house. Pusa obeyed my sister, who followed her to our house in a few hours. My mother and other sister are already in our house when this sister arrived. They were all surprised to know that Pusa actually delivered a total of 6. So they realized that there are still 3 inside Pusa when she went to my sister's house, that is maybe a hundred meters away. They really felt total pity for her. But those are all 'history' now. Pusa and her kitties are well, growing strongly and they might have already forgotten the ordeal. On the other hand, my sister hasn't forgotten yet her pity of Pusa's experience. Whew!

Camera Critters Meme


  1. similar to my Queen Pussy,... when she is in delivery mode, she run back and forth asking us to enter the room, and she delivered when we just enter,....

  2. What a great post! Sweet Mommy and little ones.

  3. Adorable kittens and a beautiful Momma! Great story and photos.

  4. What a good mother Pusa is! The babies are adorable.

  5. How sweet...good mama she is!

  6. Wow! What a loving post and Pusa is such a beautiful cat with all her kittens ~ Favorite photo is the last one Pusa looks so content and kittens are happy ~ You are all so loving ! ^_^

  7. Those kittens are so adorable! They will keep Pusa busy.

  8. Lovely pictures. They made me think on some japanese woodblock prints. Perfect colors for it.

  9. Wonderful story. Pusa is a great mother!

  10. I was born in the year of dog (lunar calendar) but i like cat too :)))). I use to have a cat when i was 6. her name is Trang ( she was named after my brother's girlfriend:))) ). I still remember how soft i feel when i sleep with her. But sadly, she die young :(( she was bited by my parents 's dog :((
    Finally, i found your blog. It's so cool and i love it.

  11. You missed all the excitement! Congratulations to Pusa and family.

  12. what a great mother Pusa is!

    what's going to happen to the babies? are you keeping all of them? or giving them away for adoption?

    i would love to have a litter like that in my house.

    1. We gave all the previous generations to neighbors and friends. It is the saddest time for nephew and niece when they are ready to leave. When my niece is 8 yrs old she cried a lot when her favorite is leaving with the new owner. We put the kitties in closed boxes so they will not return to us. A neighbor returned theirs because they pity the kitten always crying with them, it is now with us too.

  13. So cute :-). Will you give the kittens away?

  14. Ahhh...Kittens are just the best...along with puppies!!! And babies!!! But they all grow up so you've got to prepared for a long life with them!!! It's so hard to walk by a group of kittens or puppies and not want to take one home!

  15. Kittens are adorable. I would love one but we are far away in Washington DC. Dianne


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