
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

In Focus: Hoya diversifolia on Trees

Hoya diversifolia being endemic to the Philippines, love the climate of the country. That is a given and just like any other plant when given the conditions it needs will flourish and give the collector endless joys and satisfaction. I have read many times in Facebook posts some collectors and hobbyists'  experiences about Hoya diversifolia. My curiosity was triggered when someone said that her plant has been with her for 25 years, but has not rewarded her with flowers. I was not only curious, i was intrigued. And i almost pity the collector for tending the plant for that long without any results, and daily she was just waiting. Being impatient, i guess that will not happen with me! I've said many times that i am patient only inside the doctor's clinic, where probably the word patient originated. I never mind that virtue, not one of my stronger virtues anyway.

Another fact about my Hoya diversifolia that makes it more interesting at least for me, is that it was my first hoya given by no other than the former hoya authority in the country, Dr. Monina Siar. She was a friend in the university, became a hoya collector and responsible for naming most of the hoyas endemic here. She even had a hoya named after her, Hoya siariae, but she died of cancer a few years ago in her 40s. So you will understand my predicament with this hoya species, and my need for it to flower earlier than what others experienced.

I grow the small plant given to me in a pot, let it hanging as most hobbyists do. I took a cutting and planted in the 2nd pot. After one year I was already jittery, as it is growing well with very long internodes, but no trace of peduncles at all. I told you i am impatient. I let the 2nd plant climb the lanzones tree in front of the house, as it is not giving us good fruits anyway, because of bark borers. It looked so happy climbing vigorously untill some stems reached the top and sunny side of the tree. I realized it wanted direct sunlight from sunrise to sunset. So i just let it be, doing what it wants. I never give it any fertilizers nor watering during the dry months. Leaves just yellowed and a bit shrunken but recover fast when the rainy months came. After two years on the tree it gave a lot of flowers, this year is its 4th year on the tree. The pictures will tell you a lot of information, no need for me to talk anymore.

This tree is taller than the roof of the 2nd floor. The bottom part of the picture is at level of the 1st floor roof. Beside it is the hoya house where all my hoyas are kept as hanging plants. 

Thank you so much for your patronage of my In Focus on hoyas. 


  1. Hello, Andrea! The Hoya plant is beautiful. I love the pretty blooms. It does climb well on the tall tree. This plant is a lovely reminder and memory of your friend who passed. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy week ahead.

  2. Very beautiful macro shots of the Hoya plant. That is an interesting story about your friend the Hoya expert. May the tree blossom for years to come in memory of her.

    1. Thanks much Joyful for the appreciation of my post.

  3. Lovely. I am glad you included the last photo so we could get a sense of how tall it is. Marvelous!

    1. Hi Angie, i appreciate your approval for my choices of photos and commenting in my posts most of the time. Thanks so much.

  4. Ive never seen the diversifolia available for purchase. These are beautiful as is the way they prefer blooming. It makes you really think about how certain flora survive in the wild!

    1. Oh i am sorry Drei i have neglected to come here soonest. Yes you are right my diversifolia on trees showcase their habit in the wild. I planted them that way in trying to learn about them, as many experienced growing them for decades without flowering. and i think i succeeded and learned why. Thanks much.


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