
Monday, June 25, 2018

A Red Hanging Cactus

I am not so fund of growing cactus, just like what is a seemingly craze now here in our area! That doesn't mean i don't like them. Of course i appreciate them and in garden shows i spend time taking their pictures and scrutinizing them intently. However,  in my small unit in the big city where i only have a few plants outside my 5th Floor Window plus a few inside a rach utilizing the glass window for light, the plants suffer. Suffering is either from neglect when i am on travels for a few days, or from too much pampering when i am here and can't seem to have enough plants to tend. I inadvertently water them more often than is required, so most often they die. Please don't blame me, i can't just seem to remember they hate too much water!!!

I already killed a few round cactus and one stapeliad which is already a foot long. So this red Rseudorhipsalis ramulosa, i transfered to our garden in the province where most of my plants are. I planted it on a very small pot and hang it outside the walls of my hoya garden. It receives direct afternoon sun and sometimes forgotten to be watered. 

Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa (syn. Disocactus ramulosus) 

That flower is less than a centimeter in diameter. So special it is, i thought! I noticed that it has been flowering and fruiting last dry season, and the leaves are fully red that makes it more attractive. 

 The plant only have a few leaves because its growth is very much restricted by the very less soil it is planted in. Moreover, neglect did not give it much energy to grow. It matured fast because of those conditions and already gone to the reproductive stage, maybe in anticipation of protecting the species!

Look at those fruits at different stages of maturity, they are really cute. True to the characteristics of the leaf cactus, it has flowered and fruited at every notch on the leaves. Amazing survival characteristics that sometimes make some of their relatives very invasive. 

I will try transferring a few leaves in a bigger pot to produce a bigger plant. I have seen bigger hanging plants in the net, which are really looking great, especially with the flowers blooming simultaneously or with those fruits at greenish tinge.

I promise i will not be watering them too much to avoid deaths. They are too colorful to experience the death sentence!


  1. That is a lovely plant and so unusual with those little flowers all along the leaf, or is that the stem? I have grown many different cacti over the years as indoor house plants. I always water them less, rather than more, which is so important here in a cold climate. In my expeeience they turn red when in full sun and when they are also dry. But of course this species could be naturally red regardless of conditions.

    1. Haha, the problem with me when i have less plants to water is that i tend to water those few more often. Of course, you know what happens.

  2. Cacti and succulents can be so challenging! And when chipmunks dig around them--even trickier. Your cactus is beautiful, and the flower is so pretty!

    1. I don't have pests or diggers but i can't control myself watering them more than enough, haha!

  3. Hello, it is a lovely plant, with cute tiny flowers. I do not have a green thumb, hubby is the gardener in the family. Thanks for the visit, enjoy your day!

  4. Hi! Your photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Lovely series cacti photos!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Wow....I don't have any cacti around here and this one is so interesting looking Andrea...Michelle

  7. I looked after my son's cacti for a while, and under his very strict instructions, I only watered them once per month, and then very sparingly. I must have done something right, because I was able to give them to him in good shape! But I am glad not to have that responsibility any more. By the way, I may not be commenting as often for the next few weeks since I will have my in-laws visiting from the UK. We are going to have a great time!

  8. I understand completely...I have never been able to grow house plants of any sort, especially cacti, because I either forget to water them, or I water too often...never just right! But that red cactus is very appealing, and I just found myself wondering if I should try growing one. Oh, no, not again! I'm wondering, but I think I know the answer. We have flowering trees and bushes in our back yard, and that will have to be enough for me. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  9. I love all kinds of flowers but sure can't grown them inside at all!! Gorgeous cacti!

  10. So interesting with its red leaves! Never knew there existed this kind of cactus variety. Your photos are great.


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