
Monday, August 14, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day in August

We are supposedly at the middle of our Rainy Season for this year! I remember rainy seasons in the past when it is difficult to go home in the afternoons, there are some flooding that punishes the commuters most specially the students. There are also days when even the government and private offices are closed to give safety for employees.

We all know that this season brings us lots of typhoons, that eventually gets harder through the years, supposedly because of climate change. We now have Signal #4, when previously the maximum typhoon is only Signal #3. However, these days we only get a few thunderstorms in the afternoons and a few typhoon from the Pacific Ocean. But most of them did not hit land surface. We should be thankful for the less typhoons, but we should also lament the lack of rains. The truth is we only get rains when there are typhoons, seemingly they are directly correlated. Suffice it to say that at present our plants still need rain, maybe not badly but yet they are wanting!

Despite the changes, we still get more blooms than during the dry season.

Impatiens balsamina has more flowers during rainy season

more Impatiens balsamina, also loved by some butterfly species

Top: Ixora javanica and Bottom: Ixora coccinea
They are both planted for the butterflies.

a kind of shrimp plant

Duranta erecta teeming with flowers for the butterflies

Thunbergia erecta

hippeastrum NOID

Hippeastrum reticulatum var striatifolium, the only hippeastrum blooming
continuously throught the year

Crinum zeylanicum has 3 flower buds

hedge of shrimp plant, Pachystachys lutea

Hoya campanulata

Hoya buotii purple

Hoya pubicorolla ssp. anthracina

Hoya benguetensis

 my hoya seedlings growing nicely with higher humidity around

the ferns

the grasses under the coconut trees


  1. Lovely post! It is interesting to see how the same plants do differently in various climates. I live in Vienna and here Hippeastrum only bloom in winter. It is amazing that some varieties of this plant flower throughout the year in your climate. I also have some hoya plants as room plants. I am sure hoya plants do much better in your climate. I see you also propagate hoyas-this is great! I too love propagating plants- I think propagating plants is so exciting.
    Best wishes,

  2. This was so enjoyable. None of the flowers were familiar to me; all are so different. I live in southern middle Tennessee, USA. Thanks for sharing on GBBD.

    Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry.Blogspot

  3. Great post! We grow Duranta and Shrimp plant here in North Texas, but yours are gigantic and spectacular. Its so fun to see your hoyas and the seedlings! They are house plants here. I love propagating plants too.

  4. I recognize some of the plants. Ferns are something that grow quite happily in native bushes, especially the pungas.

  5. Wonderful flowers! The duranta I think is a shrub I saw growing at different times in Tucson. I just loved it then and love your photos of it.

  6. I love all of these pictures, but especially the hoya (I was not familiar with them) and the hippeastrum. Thank you for cultivating plants that are so attractive to butterflies - we can all use more of those!

  7. Very beautiful and colorful flowers.

  8. Wow - your flowers are amazing!

  9. Oh my, such beautiful flowers. I especially like the buotii purple. So unusual!


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