
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

I am glad i now remember GBBD even still at the beginning of the month.  So a week before the 15th i am already doing this post, i am laughing at what i am thinking now!

Fortunately, our rainy season already started in June, so the dormant plants are already blooming this month. Moreover, there are already new shoots as food for the caterpillars; already have butterflies now. Sidewalks are already laden with green carpets too.  Birds are also chirping happy songs, that is according to my interpretation of their tweets. If that is not true, then let us ask the birds.

So i will not anymore lengthen my paragraphs, i will let my photos do the talking. These are just a few of them as they will be overflowing in one post. The hoyas are even longer than these list, they can enter next time.

Blood lily, Scadoxus multiflorus. Top: still starting to bloom. Bottom: at the full blooming stage.

 Katunggal (local name), Proiphys amboinensis, considered native in the Philippines but it is growing also in many countries. They go dormant at the end of the rainy season and starts with flowers after the heavy rains in May-June. They prefer partially shaded areas and ours is under some   coffee trees.

  katunggal, Proiphys amboinensis

 katunggal, Proiphys amboinensis

The caladiums are starting to grow too.

Caladiums are lovely at the beginning, but eventually they will succumb to the moth caterpillars

 More caladiums: Above: very prolific multiplier. Below: Only has 4 suckers in 5 years.

This is a hedge of candle flower, Pahystachys lutea. We just leave them as perennial and just prune the branches every start of the dry season. I planted this here to support the unlevel ground because of the low street, preventing more soil erosion.

Crotons are also planted as perennial. They just wilt during the dry season, so i also cut back the stems at the start of the rainy season. They are mostly planted for their colorful leaves, but small flowers when borne by long inflorescense are lovely too. 

The most durable plant in my garden is this blue Duranta erecta. It is already as tall as around 10 ft and don't stop flowering even during the dry season. It serves as the butterflies' nectar source all year round. We have other nectar plants but they seem to favor this duranta. 

A Dark Blue Tiger butterfly, Tirumala hamata orestilla, always linger nectaring on it. 


Episcia yellow and red are now happy producing flowers. 
They prefer moist environment all the time. 


  1. Good for you getting the post going early. So many interesting plants in this post. The Blood Lily is fascinating! I have Caladiums here as annuals--love them!

    1. Our caladiums look like annuals too, they get dormant during the dry season and will emerge again after the first heavy rains at the start of our 2nd and last season. During the dry season they seem to be barren grounds.

  2. Very colourful captures, well done.

  3. Such beautiful plants. I only dream about being able to tend to a garden like this. Your photography is stunning.

    1. Oh thank you so much Mary K. Is there a problem why you cannot tend a garden? I am a remote/weekend gardener! Thanks for dropping by too.

  4. Thank you for sharing your beautiful plants

  5. A wonderful collection! I wish I had every one of those plants/flowers growing in my yard!!

  6. Stunning photography - I want to sit and enjoy your garden.

  7. Hi, friend! Sorry I haven't visited your blog for quite a while, but I missed it! I love those blood lilies, but I hate it when they bloom only very shortly! I guess it's true that you have to enjoy them while they last! The pretty foliage of the caladiums is to die for, but again, they're short-lived! And that makes me really sad! But what is the trade-off for these passing fancies?

    1. There is a technique for caladiums to be perennially there, not to let them succumb to dormancy! The only sad thing that happens for me is when i cannot go home the week these "ephemerals" are there for appreciation! They are more special because of those characteristics.

  8. I really enjoyed visiting your garden. Everything is so unique.
    Happy Bloom Day!
    Jeannie @


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