
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Awesome Finds in October 2016

Everyone who follows or read my posts or in Facebook know that i go home only on Saturday after lunch and back to the big city again on Sunday afternoon. That only leaves a few hours for me to tend the hoyas, other plants, eat sleep and take photos. Somehow, weekends are not relaxing anymore, as after hours of travel there still are a lot of things to do. I tell you i cannot even go online or reply to some text messages. Even the eye drops that i must regularly do in 4-hour intervals have to be cued by alarms. I sleep late trying to pollinate some hoyas in bloom, which till now is not giving me positive results. My back aches due to bent positions while magnifying the pollinia and trying to put them in the stigma of the mother flower. Oh My God, am i too busy?  My weekends surely occupy all of my time.

But please do not think of these as complaints, i assure you i am just stating facts. The truth is i appreciate all of these. They make my soul occupied and happy. More so, if on the side i still can photograph some critters and butterflies. Never mind if my meals are late, nor can i sip a cup of coffee. These things satisfy me, unless they don't, according to Neal Donald Walsh.

 above butterfly is only half a centimeter in length

a bagmoth inside its house before it becomes an adult, very good camouflage

 a spider maybe smaller than a centimeter

a very young praying mantis without the wings yet

can you see the mother praying mantis above, i also saw it just in the picture

Mud urns as nests of a wasp species. Only 1 egg is deposited in one nest together with a mummified larva of another insect that serves as food when the wasp egg emerges from the egg.

  We have lots of different types of spider web, in the past i have already blogged them.  This one seems different, i guess those knobs in a straight line are the insects caught there whose juices are already sipped by the owner of the web. 

 And this is my most awesome find, a very well camouflaged larva which blended favorably with the  trunk plus lichens. It is already static there probably about to pupate. Below are the anterior and the posterior close-up shots. It actually is facing downwards. Nature is really awesome


  1. Your photographs are always inspirational! The creatures that can camouflage so well are fascinating, aren't they? Sorry your weekends are so busy. I hope you can find some time to take a break and relax a bit.

    1. Thank you very much Beth, i know there are so much subjects to photograph in our area, and yet time is always a constraint. The butterflies now are dwindling and i know i didn't take advantage of the time when a lot of them are around.

  2. Some wonderful photos of the amazing critters in your world, especially the camouflaged ones are so interesting. I can understand your weekend is too short to keep up with all the things you like to do but your hobbies like the Hoyas and photographing all beautiful things in nature give you the satisfaction to go on with it.
    Take care of yourself and take a rest if possible.
    Regards, Janneke

    1. You are always so kind to me Judy, because you leave long comments. I always love long comments and that keeps me going and happy. Take care yourself as well, let's keep on clicking. hahaha.

  3. Great camouflage on the last images. What is that, like a caterpillar?

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. Yes Maria, it is a moth larva, i said that in the caption. Thanks

  4. I know what it is like spending the weekends at a different property, working hard to keep it in shape. However, I have been enjoying working at my father's place and I am sure you love looking after your Hoyas! I have always enjoyed seeking out small creatures. It reminds me of my childhood when I spent hours watching the comings and goings of the creatures in a pond. I look forward to having more time to appreciate the wildlife at my fathet's property when we move down there.

    1. Actually Nick, it is our real/original property, as we all grow in that house. However, i work in the Metro Manila where i just stay in my condominium unit during weekdays. It is convenient where i have all the sunsets because i face west. My time in the province is so very limited, so it is more fun when there are long weekends or during Holidays when i can work more hours. But these times do not coincide with the butterfly season, hahaha!

  5. Praying mantis are one of my favourite insects, I just lov ethem, such interesting creatures :-)

  6. Hello, Wow! Your photos are awesome. Great captures of the insects and critters. I hope you are always happy doing what you like. I am sure it is a pleasure to look after your plants. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day and week ahead!

  7. Sweet! Your photos are so greeeen! ;-)

  8. The picture of the young praying mantis is amazing


  9. These are awesome macro shots of the little bitty critters! I understand the pleasure you get by taking photos. It's a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. I do hope your efforts are successful wit the flowers.

    1. Oh yes thanks bettyl-NZ, tired but delighted! Thanks for always dropping by.

  10. These are really amazing photos Andrea....Michelle


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