
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Back to my Butterflies

I just tested learning to post photos from Flick to Blogger. I am not really good in understanding these computer things, so am very glad i was able to try it, yehey, it was a success. Am so sorry about these posts, these are actually old photos but they are mine. Black butterfly Papilio romanzuvia


  1. Those are both beautiful butterflies. I share your computer skills. I am still not sure what I have managed to do with Google+ as I seem to have two different identities!

    1. hahaha Nick, i am glad that not all my blogger friends are very familiar with computer things. At least that makes me a bit confident in being dull in this computer age.


Your visits and comments are the life of this site. I certainly appreciate them and I will make sure to return the favor. Energies are not destroyed, they are just transformed, so healthy energies be with us all, just like the breath of life!

But i am requesting that no other personal links should be put on your comments. I am sorry, but backlinks give me some problems, so i might not publish them.Thank you very much for understanding.