
Monday, October 12, 2015

Hoyas in October 2015

I have been documenting my blooming hoya species every month. I just go home on weekends, so i record whatever the conditions of the blooms by then.  Sometimes they are already falling especially those which opened early in the week. This documetation will eventually help me plot the species blooming months, as well as those which bloom continuously. Somehow, it will also give me information of the effects of the rainy season or the dry season, which translates to identify the species needing higher humidity to induce blooming.

My other sister who lives in another house a few meters from us,  apparently has different conditions as humidity and shading. I already observed that some species readily flowers with her than in our own garden. Here are some shots that i took early this October.

 Hoya imperialis

 Hoya imperialis

 Hoya imperialis

 Hoya buotii (purple)

 Hoya buotii (yellow)

Hoya pubicorolla ssp.anthracina (formerly Hoya pubicalyx 'Black Dragon')

  Hoya pubicalyx


  1. They're all gorgeous! I hope they'll reward your hard work with lots of blooms.

  2. I really enjoy your macros. And in your photography, one can see your love of your subject. Excellent!

  3. So many gorgeous hoyas! I have a pink centred white one which is obstinately refusing to flower:(

  4. They are all beautiful hoyas! Lovely images. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  5. Amazing colors and texture!
    Never seen them before.

  6. They are so unique looking. I have nothing like that and you capture the macros so well Andrea....Michelle

  7. Your Hoyas are stunning! The Imperialis has been on my wishing list for ages. But all Hoyas are precious.

  8. What unusual flowers they are. I have not been able to grow Hoyas - too impatient I think. Yours are superb.

  9. The Hoya plants are simply incredible. Going home once a week is perfect for documenting the changes! You might not notice the changes as much if you lived with the flowers every minute!

  10. I love your hoyas, Kalantikan. They look like beautiful sculptures. Thanks for visiting my blog today. P. x

  11. Beautiful hoyas! Your photos are just gorgeous, too, really capturing the intricacies of the plant.

  12. A lovely selection, Andrea. That first variety id absolutely stunning.
    Many thanks for joining us at Floral Friday Fotos.

  13. I am in love with these lovely flowers. Hoya is at the top of my wishlist now. Thank you for sharing these gems.


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