
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Almost a Macro Shot

I have just been out of town for four days, meaning i was not able to post anything this week. That includes absence of blog visits and commenting on other's posts. My macro lens is also still at the service center, thanks God i have a zoom lens capable of macro focusing.

Most of us are garden bloggers anyway, can you guess what this structure is?

It is the pistil, most specifically the stigma of a squash flower. There is a well full of nectar that makes this colony of ants very happy. A squash flower is only alive for one day, so those ants are taking advantage of the short amount of nectar supply. The nectar is glistening with the sunlight, some even look like swimming in it.

This flower is not fertilized i suppose, as there is no available male flower nearby. Once-in-a while i also take glances and i haven't seen any bee alighting on it. I can be sure, it is not pollinated.


  1. What a great macro!!!

    Have a nice week whatever you do ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks so much Lorraine. I've just returned from an official trip cum pleasure in El Nido, Palawan.

  2. What a great shot even without a macro lens.

  3. Beautiful photo. The moisture and hairy structures of the plant are so fascinating. Isn't nature wonderful?!

    1. Oh yes Beth, and the nectar at the bottom is glistening as well.

  4. The ants almst seem to be drowning in ecstasy. Stunning photo.

    1. Hi Gemma, hahaha, i should have thought of that in describing the ants!

  5. Wonderful picture, such amazing detail.

  6. Beautiful! Indeed those ants must be enjoying the sweetness! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

    1. I am very sure the ants are happy, and they radiate the energy of goodness! Thanks for dropping by my post too.

  7. That's a fabulous shot! I love the colors too.

  8. Beautiful and awesome macro shot!

  9. What lovely details inside this flower!

  10. Ants having a good time in here! Great macro!

  11. Oh I enjoyed this post as I love to learn about this kind of thing.... Thank you Andrea.... Michelle

  12. Lovely detail, it's a different world isn't it?

    1. Oh yes Keith, it's wonderful to have a macro lens. I browsed at your G site and found your lovely shots.


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