
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Constantly Moving Furs

Dogs were absent with us for about 4 years. That is after a not so pleasant experience with our last dog, who died before its time because of inhuman acts of supposed-to-be human beings. So now my sister received two puppies again, and they are so active and loving. My sister has a small house a few meters from us, but she regularly bring these puppies to our own house. 

They just can't contain themselves whenever they see us. A symptom that regularly happens with them when i touch their heads and while they are thumping ang moving so happily, is that they pee a little bit at a time. My sister said they don't behave like that with her. That is what i call they can't contain themselves when they see me. Maybe that is only because they don't see more often. 

They keep on moving, kissing my legs, and want to be carried up. As soon as you carry them close to your chest, they just stop moving and feel so contentedly peaceful and loved. They are so very cute!


  1. They are adorable! I love dogs, used to have one but when she passed I couldn't bring myself to get another. I'm happy you did. Dogs bring a lot of joy into a home, so maybe one day we'll bring another pup into ours.

    1. Thanks Denise, it took us 4 years before my sister got another. The previous one's experience was so traumatic for all of us.

  2. They're adorable! We had dogs when I was little. I'd love to have one, but my husband is afraid of them. Maybe someday.

    1. Oh maybe your husband had a traumatic experience when he was still a kid. If he will just try, that will be erased by the healing puppies.

  3. Adorable puppies, you should keep one of them... My dog passed recently and we are holding off getting another one. BUt, some day I know we will have another dog.. Cute photos, I love the puppies..Thank you for linking up to my critter party.. Have a happy day!

    1. I live in a condominium unit in the big city, and go home to the province at least every other week. My sister makes it a point to bring the puppies to us when i am there. That is the time that they can't contain themselves when they see me, they can't control the pee, several times while we are playing. LOL

  4. Sweet puppies! We haven't had a dog since our wonderful Rhodesian Ridgeback Penny died of cancer almost five years ago. We miss her a lot. Where we live now we can't have a pet, but we have been trying to decide if we can talk our landlord into letting us get a rescue dog (just smallish to medium sized now that we are disabled). I think it would be so good for us to have one again.

    1. Oh i hope you will be allowed to have a dog or a puppy, they are very therapeutic. They can rival psychiatrists in terms of healing efficiency, haha. Why are you disabled? I hope you get better, take care.

  5. There is nothing like puppies!

  6. Congratulations to your sister - they are adorable. My little dogs have become such a part of my life.

    1. Oh yes Al, they are to us too! thanks for visiting.


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