
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bright Orange Flowers

I have not been linking to Orange You Glad It's Friday for a while now! I have been so engrossed posting my hoya pictures, and my consciousness is totally engulfed with all hoya thoughts, so i am attempting to post again some orange colors.

I have a lot of critters and other pictures but i can't even resize them for posting. You cannot blame me because you very well know I am a confirmed and self-proffessed addict, that is hoya addict. And if you think i will give it a break now, you're mistaken. As the next photo is of my Hoya ilagiorum. It is its first flowering so i am smitten. But it is orange, so it very well qualify to be here!

Hoya ilagiorum

 Above is the newly opened blood lily, or Scadoxus multiflorus

I am not sure of this, maybe one of the Justicia species


  1. Wow! Orange, the color of fall! Love it! Btw, what is the difference of H. Ilagiorum and H. Lasiantha? They both have orange flowers, I believe?

  2. I like the hairlike orange of the lily and the almost unreal look of the orange hoya.

  3. Orange is a beautiful color of nature! That Justicia flower reminds me of our Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush) flowers. Glorious!

  4. A lovely collection in orange. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Gorgeous specimen♪

  6. I love this color ! Great photos !

  7. These are all gorgeous! I love orange. Have a great weekend!

  8. Stunning oranges in these flowers!
    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos, I look forward to your contribution again this week.


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But i am requesting that no other personal links should be put on your comments. I am sorry, but backlinks give me some problems, so i might not publish them.Thank you very much for understanding.