
Monday, May 12, 2014

Hirsute Beauties

Plants are usually equipped with hairs. They are mostly common in growing shoots, peduncles and flowers. These hairs are technically called trichomes. The description and patterns of these trichomes also have distinct names; e.g. hirsute - coarse hairs, hispid - bristly hairs, pilose - long, straight, soft or erect hairs, etc. These growths have mostly defense functions for the plant organ they arise from. Herbivores like larvae of insects will have physical difficulty to directly attack the plant parts with hairs. Some hairs even have chemical compositions that help deter invaders. This is the reason why most young shoots and buds have trichomes.

 Tubelike flower of Sanchezia speciosa. Both the style supporting the stigma, and the filament supporting the pollens are hairy. 

The anther is that portion above supported by the filament and contains the pollen. Even the anther is equipped with short dense hais that protects the pollen. The hairs can also trap predators.

The unoppened flower of the Sanchezia speciosa are borne on spikes


  1. There are just so many different ways to be a flower!


    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Heisann!"

    Spectacular flower object, pure art..... nice presented!
    Have nice days ;:OD)

  3. Beautiful hairy flower macros.

  4. I love how you get up so close to see these fascinating flowers...


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