
Monday, February 17, 2014

Uncommon Shots

Garden Shows in our big city are held three times per year: once by the Philippine Horticultural Society and twice by the Philippine Orchid Society. I usually go to these events to photograph the landscape exhibits, the unusual plants and flowers, or whatever something catch my attention. One show just finished in early February. This time i even attended two lectures, that i seldom do in previous years. It just happened that the lecturers are my friends since college, so i have to show up, at least for moral support. I even had snacks with them coupled with endless chats.

However, i wonder if my interest in photography already waned because i don't feel like shooting now. The landscape exhibits are done by big private companies, and the exhibit area are now wider, but still I seem to be too lazy. I just caught a few of them. What occupied my time was looking for hoyas in the commercial booths, and i ended up with four plants for home.

 I ended up taking a selfie shot!

 a very curly bird's nest fern

Dutchman's pipe or Aristolochia sp. It is a vine and the flower got it as the common name. Does anybody know if the Dutch has this design for their pipes? I just know this is a hostplant of a very beautiful birdwing butterfly. My nephew saw one butterfly once in the wilder part of our property, so this Aristolochia might be in some corner of the lot. If i have time i will look for this vine, help it grow fuller so the butterfly will have more food. Do you agree that it is unusual? It doesn't look like a flower at all, maybe just a Dutchman's pipe!


  1. Te birdnest's fern looks very unusual! And alsothe Dutchman's pipe. Had heard of it, but never seen - I love the colors it has:) Thank you for commenting on my blog earlier:)

  2. So beautiful.
    Love the curly front of the bird nest fern.
    The dutchman's pipe is one I've only heard of but never seen...thanks.

  3. Fascinating and beautiful plants! Gorgeous!

  4. Awesome macros of the fern and pipe!

  5. Love the macro detail and LOVE seeing your photos without snow.. I know you have extremes too Andrea.. Thank you for linking into Nature Notes this week....Michelle

  6. These are great!! I always look for unusual and different plants and leaves when I'm out.

  7. I still enjoy your photography. I love that shadow selfie - the palm tree is exotic to me.

  8. Very nice--the photos and your post. I didn't realize the Dutchman's Pipe was a host plant for a butterfly--I will have to check it out. Nice selfie, too.

  9. I love the close ups you take. they add a different dimension to plant photography.

  10. Lovely and very interesting photos =)

  11. The last image is my favorite. It is nice to be flexible when you start off on a journey and to be able to take another. Excellent job!
    JM Illinois

  12. I love your image of the Birds Nest Fern.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  13. i'm in the same boat with you. the desire to photograph seemed to have waned. i attended a party in a big warehouse and there's too many things to photograph and i hardly touched the camera; my husband was the one who took photos.

  14. Sometimes it's good to put the camera down and just enjoy the scenery without viewing it from behind a lens. I think your birds nest macro is fabulous - I'd have fun photographing that one too.

  15. Wow - gorgeous shots. Love the second one.


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