
Friday, January 10, 2014

More Violets Please!

Most of you know that i have a deprivation bias for blue flowers. And most of us also know that blue colors are really not plenty in the hot tropics, so you will understand why I am longing for the blues. They are associated with the temperate climate, while the reds and oranges are associated with the tropical zones. 

Hence, i will settle now for the violets, the next color with slight blue hues in them. I selected and will parade with you the violets that are currently blooming in our garden. They might not be very healthy and vigorous, but i love them. And they are mostly available only during the rainy season. 

Impatiens balsamina have different color varieties. We have the beige and pink for several years now. They are lost during the dry season, but ressurrect when the first heavy rains come in May. I have long been looking for these violets, so when i saw it in a very far province from my own, i didn't hesitate getting for some seeds. Now the three plants that survived the long haul are now blooming. And i am enjoying them.

close-up of the Impatiens balsamina

 This Asystasia intrusa might be invasive, but it is still favorable for me. I planted it as a hedge on a slanting sloping land near a ledge and is now cascading through the cement wall. It covers the not so beautiful wall at the side of the entrance.

some spikes finishing their blooms

 My Hoya diversifolia might not be as violet to you, but i am trying to see violets in them, because i prefer it to be colored violet. If you wont agree, so be it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, i will not contest that. But we are talking about color violet not beauty, never mind that, just pretend it looks like violet!

Now, this dendrobium is trying hard to be violet to please me. But other yellow hues still surface, and i agree, it is more beautiful that way than monotone! 

This might not be an ornamental to you, yes i again agree. This is a viny weed at our sidewalks. This is also found is some sandy beaches in many tropical and arid shores of other countries. You might not believe me, but i found this wonderfully blooming profusely at the sandy shores in Dubai, where it is extremely hot in their dry season. This is Ipomoea pes-caprae, and this is unwanted in agricultural properties in our area.


  1. What lovely flowers. Your Impatiens balsamina must be closely related to Himalayan Balsam which is a problem invasive species here. It tends to grow along river banks smothering the other plants and when it dies back for the winter it leaves the river banks vulnerable to erosion. I love the Hoya flowers. They are really unusual and look like little cakes! Even your tiny weed is beautiful. It just shows that when you look at the detail of flowers the small weeds can be just as beautiful as what are sold as ornamental flowers.

    1. Hi Nick, i have deleted this comment earlier in the reader as there is a photo attached to it which has disabled me for the whole day, imagine sitting here all day deciphering what is wrong! I haven't done cleaning, laundry, etc because of that. And the whole display of my site was totally abnormal because of that. It was also very very slow. Finally, trial and error just suddenly allowed me to enter again. I don't know if the attachments are still here, it was a flower actually.

      But thanks for your kind words and following all my posts even at my other blogsite.

    2. Hi Andrea, I hope it wasn't something that I had done that caused this. Hope you have managed to catch up with everything you had to do.

    3. Thanks Nick. i don't think it was you who deliberately attached a photo in the comment. I don't know if it is still here though. spammers know how to hide.

  2. Gorgeous violets. I particularly love that Asystasia, which is a new plant to me. Your Hoya diversifolia is beautiful, but I do see more red than violet. The Dendrobium is just spectacular with its unusual combination of colours.

    1. Yes Bernie, that diversifolia is actually dark pink, i am just a bit naughty and because i love it i include it here. That Asystasia is a bit invasive, the species revealed it. Asystasia intrusa.

  3. Wonderful flowers all of them! I love the hoya.

    1. Hi Gunilla, if only i can take photos as beautiful as yours, I will be happier. We have lots of subjects here in the tropics.

  4. Oh at first I thought you were saying you had the flower called "violets" in your yard and I wondered how you could in that tropical climate. We live in subtropical Florida now and I miss the shy flowers like violets we used to have when lived in cooler Oregon. So but anyway I love all the violet-toned flowers you show, they are all lovely!

    1. Haha, yes Sallie, i am a bit naughty in this post. I know violets from the temperate climates, we have what other countries call Philippine violets, Barleria, but i don't have it. Thanks for the visit.

  5. Hi again. This is also a cool blog. I also like flowers!

    1. Hello, thanks for following this also from my other blogsite. Happy New Year!

  6. Lovely, all. Unfortunately we have Impatiens balsamina and they have become an invasive species here in Canada...but they ARE very pretty,

    1. They are more at home with the temperate climate, so i am sure they are invasive. At least here they are periodically checked by the dry season, and a lot of seeds die there. But I agree they really beautify a drab corner!

  7. Very pretty - I didn't know that blue flowers were rare in the tropics. But I have so little experience in that part of the world!

    1. Hi Al, their adaptability maybe becomes the source of the term cool colors and warm colors, because despite the colors emotion for us, that is also their temperature preference.

  8. Such beautiful blooms! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  9. Just beautiful and they happen to be my favorite color!! Such pretty details in these close up images!!

    1. Thanks Debbie for dropping by! Happy New Year!

  10. Such beautiful blossoms! Absolutely amazing! Wonderful shots!

  11. A gorgeous variety of beautiful violet flowers. Thank you so much for sharing with Today's Flowers :)


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