
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Flower Biography

Flower Biography, is there such a thing? 

Actually in plants we have such things as growth and development. And the following photos portray such processes in a flower. We cannot say that growth precedes development because from the point of view of the cell they are intertwined. Development will not proceed if there is no growth, and vice versa. Someone might say that a cell can increase in size without growth, yes that is right, but that is cell enlargement and not growth, nor is there development. These two processes are two very complex processes that we only normally appreciate as the flower becoming a brightly colored beautiful bloom. 

For us laymen, we just don't try understanding the processes happening within the plant, and the chemical or physiological stories within, let us leave that to the chemists, physiologists, botanists! I would just want to show you the life cycle of the marigold flower, Tagetes erecta. 


  1. Wow, that is ... stunning. And fascinating. Such a simple way of looking at the life cycle of a Marigold. Thanks for that perspective!

    1. Hello Beth, actually this is an extemporaneous post, as most of my posts are, no plans, no drafts. I just want to post at that moment and want to show the photos. As i replied bellow, life cycle without the seed as "poetic license" for me!

  2. I never thought of a flower having a biography. But of course they do and you captured it beautifully Andrea... Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle, i never thought too, that is another "poetic license" for me. If there is such a thing as a post with a lot of intentional error, ommission, this is it. But the discussion is true and correct!

  3. Lifecycle In 3 photos....what a great idea :-)) I might do that myself this year when photographing flowers and plants.

    1. haha, life cycle without the seed because i don't want to show it! This is the blogger-photographer's "poetic license", and i hope everybody permits my intentional sin of ommission!

  4. Wow how exquisite, from bud to blossom and back to seed… beautiful!


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