
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Minute Garden Dwellers

My newly planted hoyas are planted in pots hanging on a tube in between two fruit trees in the garden. I saw that spider webs easily appear on the hanging wires, much much faster than any hoya's growth.

I was checking and tending to the hoyas when i accidentally touched the underside of a leaf. I flipped the leaf and saw these scattered frenzy. I thought they are just eggs bursting from the egg mass, but wait, they are actually moving.

Suddenly, a string of white dusts seem to appear moving down along the webs down to another hoya leaf. When i scrutinized it and observed closely, they are very very small spider hatchlings. They suddenly travelled along the webs for fear of their lives. I observed closer, and they are so cute baby spiders!

They are queueing through the provided way of scape, the spider threads.  I guess the spiderlings went down on its own because of the insipient danger, my intrusion, or probably the mother instructed them to run for their lives. 

 They are almost invisible against space, just become obvious when they had this green leaf background.

The mother did not leave its position in the mass of webs supposedly its house under the leaf, clutching the egg mass with its very long legs. 

I've photographed the mother several times, and it didn't try to leave the nest at all,  guarding that mass i suppose is still an egg mass. I wonder why many hatchlings are already out, but still the mother guards this egg shell with its life! If not for the egg mass, it would have suddenly escaped with my constant movement and flipping of the leaf to take its photo. The head is almost transparent, as well as the legs. But the abdomen is horizontally lined and has black thorns. The full length of the mother's body is only about 5 mm, yes that short. The egg mass obviously is bigger than the mother. I don't even know yet what this spider is called, and i will study its habits later. I love being informed of the so many interesting residents in my garden world. 


  1. Such an interesting anecdote! I love the scene of the baby spiders queueing up on the escape route - similar to a fire or emergency drill, only this time it is for real.

    Its touching to read about the strong maternal instincts of the mother.

  2. Oh what great shots of these tiny guys!

  3. Are the spiders 'friendly' with your hoya?

  4. What a wonderful discovery. So many spiders all in one place, but I bet only a few make it to maturity. - Margy

  5. Oh what a wonderful series of photos and a real Mother Nature adventure..... Michelle

  6. This is fascinating, a great series of photos. I'm not sure I'd call them cute, but I do like spiders for what they do for us, and could never hurt one.

  7. Wonderful shots of this little world.

  8. this is incredible. i have never seen baby spiders before. and i didn't realize that the mother has lots of babies all at once. again, incredible.

  9. Hi Andrea, those are spectacular macro shots. You beautifully captured those minute creature. The mother spider looks lovely. I've never seen a spider with such stunning colors. It's good that you have very keen eyes. If it was me I would have probably thought the baby ones as dust and shake them off the leaves:( I can tell from the first photo that you have a beautiful garden.

  10. Truly remarkable to see all those babies born in your garden and you are able to capture the moment so wonderfully.

  11. They are amazing! I must admit I'm a little squeamish around spiders, but they are part of a healthy ecosystem, and they are fascinating. Great photos, too!

  12. Wow what an amazing fascinating.


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