
Friday, November 8, 2013

Red-orange or Orangy-red!

 Ixora coccincinensis

Chrysothemis pulchelia 

 Bougainvillea sp.


  1. Great selections. We do so love our reds and oranges in the tropics.

  2. Lovely flowers.
    Greetings by Heidrun from Bavaria

  3. Orange - yes indeed I am glad it's Friday! Beautiful flowers. Enjoy your wknd!

  4. These are gorgeous tropical flowers. I hope you're okay, your country is in the news today with that terrible storm.

    1. Thank you so much Al, it is so very sad but we will move on.

  5. Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  6. Wonderful posts ... and thinking so much, Andrea, of you and everyone in the Philippines at this time.

    1. I am so glad that many of you, my blogger friends around the world thought of me during these times. Thank you so much Caroline. I am okay and my family as well, but i have very close friends and already like family in Tacloban, which is most hit.

  7. Andrea, I love those colors. I haven't had much chance to check in on blogs recently because I'm buried in work (last year!!). I'm glad to see your posts not only because they're beautiful but because they presumably mean that you weren't affected by the typhoon. -Jean

    1. Hello Jean, as i told Caroline above, i am so glad that my blogger friends around the world thought of me these times. Those in FB also brought their positive energies and prayers. I in Metro Manila and my family in the province are not directly in the typhoon path, so we are fine. Thanks so much Jean, these concern and prayers mean very much to me.

  8. Fabulous colors of your beauty in nature.

  9. Hi Andrea I'm so glad to see that you're posting lovely vibrant colours. I've had you in my thoughts and prayers. Even though you've not been directly hit I'm sure you have friends and family with connections to that region that have.

    1. Yes Rosie, i am so touched with the show of concern and prayers of my blogging and FB friends around the world. Yes, immediate families are safe but close friends and families are afftected, the sad part is communication is down yet and we don't have any idea how they are doing now, or if there are casualties. It is really so very sad.

      Thank you so much that even if i haven't been visiting your site, i am still in your thoughts. It is very much appreciated Rosie, God bless you!

  10. Stunning colors! Glad you decided to share your photos on Orange you glad it's Friday. Thanks for joining and I hope to see you again next Friday. Have a great weekend.

  11. Scarlet is what I call red/orange and Crimson is what I call blue/red. Your flowers are stunning. It's season's end here and flowers will be mostly indoors from here on.


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