
Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Spiky Delicious Beauty!

Maybe those from the temperate countries will not easily identify what this thing is! But for those from the tropics, this is very common. This is a fruit of a tropical tree, that originated from South America. They are naturalized here in the country, maybe introduced during the colonial past or the galleon trade. The trees though are small in size, just taller than a shrub. We have many volunteer trees in the orchard and under cocunut trees. Ripe fruits not finished by birds just fell on the ground and the seeds grow again becoming new ones.

When we were kids i don't like its sourish taste. Maybe that is because there are other fruits available. Lately though, it became famous in the internet, reported to be medicinal for many ailments including cancer. The leaves too are reported to be soaked in water, which in turn drank for healthy body cell growth. It has become a very in demand fruit here, the  price increased as well. In my case, whenever I come home and there is a mature fruit i see to it that i bring them to the city. I suddenly realized i love eating the flesh most specially when very cold, fresh from the refrigerator. Others prefer it to be in shakes. I prefer it to be eaten fresh. It is available all year round in the market, but uncareful handling or picking them at immature stages render the fruit not at its best. Ours from the property are picked ripe and at the most excellent quality like these in the photos. Internationally, it maybe known as graviola, but we call it guyabano or Anona muricata.

It is the fruit of Anona muricata, or soursop and has been famous in the internet as 'graviola'. It is locally called guyabano here in the country. The flesh is white while the seeds are black. Those thorns are soft when ripe and easily broken in handling. Ripe fruits are soft and easily yields to finger's slight pressure.

A moderately sized fruit like this one can weigh at least one kilogram. Sometimes, i bring 3 fruits to the city to be distributed to officemates.


  1. An intriguing fruit. It reminds me of a small pineapple in the shape of a pear. Sounds as if it may have the tang of a grapefruit.

    1. hahaha, no Gemma not grapefruit. It is Anona so it is sweet like custard apple, but with sourness a bit. I can't compare the sourness with any fruit.

  2. These are cool! That first shot looks like an alien forest!

    1. haha, hi Karen, i love your description. I didn't thought of that, but yes it is like an alien territory!

  3. It's known as the soursop here in Singapore and I love to eat it chilled.

    1. Yes of course it is soursop, have you read the text? I even include the sci name, local name and global name!

  4. An alien forest - indeed!

    Great shots!

  5. A fruit I've never seen before... fascinating!

  6. I have seen these and this is an amazing capture.

  7. Oh I am fascinated by this fruit as I have never seen it before...

  8. What a fascinating fruit!


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