
Monday, September 16, 2013

Reds Strike Again

I've always been complaining of our tropical colors. It stemmed from their perennial presence here, mostly the orange and red. Somehow, if you are always seeing them all the time, anywhere, everywhere, I am sure you will understand. I hope some of you can relate with my craving for the blues and violets. But of course, we have a few of them, but they are not as conspicuous as our loud colors.

But i confess, these oranges and reds are trully very beautiful, like the bougainvillea and the rose.

Ruby Tuesday Too photo BadgeRTTooinwhite_zps14247ad6.jpg


  1. Such a beautiful rich colour. Love the macro of droplets on the rose in the last photo.

  2. Yes, the color is extraordinary. Happy Ruby Tuesday 2!

  3. Oh yes, they are beautiful. But I think I understand what you mean. Always the same color palette can get tiresome. I guess that is one benefit of changing seasons--if only it wouldn't get cold, too!

    1. Oh yes Beth, if only it wouldn't get cold, hahaha! I am still analyzing in my brain what will i vote for, red with hot season or blue with winter! Climate change will even aggravate the conditions! Brrrrrr!

  4. that's a lovely photo of the bougainvillea, taken from an interestign angle too

    1. Thanks Juliet, i also have lots of bougainvillea photos, just realized you have a book on them. Congratulations. I wish we can easily do that here too!

  5. a case of from red and hot colour fatigue, but there are lots of tropical flowers in blues, lavender and yellows. Btw I like your shot of the true flowers of the Bougainvillea, peeking out from the red bracts.

    1. The blues and lavenders in our climate are not as plenty as those in the temperate zones, the basis for having hot and cold colors!

  6. Beautiful flowers in gorgeous colours.

  7. I always love your tropical flowers and the incredible variety of plant life you have there. We get used to wherever we live, and everywhere else seems so different - in my case I've never lived in a tropical climate, and only visited a couple of times.

  8. Wow, looks so beautiful!
    Greetings from Bavaria, Heidrun

  9. Love the color...and the raindrops!

  10. I can understand the need for a change in color...during our winter everything is white and we crave color.


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