
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Raindrops for my Soul

Raindrops made my day!

I am always fascinated to take photos of raindrops. However, I can't seem to get those that really satisfy me, so i just keep on clicking. And if you are just like us who has been bitten by the long dry season, the early rains are very therapeutic, literally and psychologically. For me it is even photographically therapeutic.

I am posting these photos, but I confess they really did not touch my soul to the fullest. At least, someone in the office, who can be considered a professional commented nicely about the first photo. She said i efficiently used the light and took the good angle. For the moment, that is enough for me, but i will always be looking for the wonderful shot. I hope it will come soonest.

  raindrops on Epiphyllum oxipetalum leaves

 Our cherry tomatoes bathe in the rain and they look so happy.

The Euphorbia millii can thrive nicely during our long dry seasons, but they wonderfully love a good rainshower as well. Profuse flowers appear after the first heavy rains.


  1. i love taking photo of rain drop too. The rain season came to my city (Phan Thiet - Vietnam ) one month ago. I always love rainy day because it set me free from watering my trees and they love it. My hippeastrums are recover right now. new roots, new leaves are developing. by the end of july or mid august, i will dig all the healthy bulbs up to force them to bloom.

    1. If you will allow them to finish photosynthesizing throughout the rainy season, and then dig them when the leaves die, do you think they will not bloom on its own without refrigeration?

    2. i think some bulb of wild species will bloom. I think we don't need refrigeration because almost hippeastrum don't require cold dormant to bloom. The cold just prevent the bulbs from dry out during forcing time (i think so). My uncle just dig them up and let them alone in dry, cool place for 2-3 week and then he plant them. it work 80%. My puniceum and other people's (in Vietnam) require a dry season to bloom. refrigeration method doesn't work with puniceum.
      Ah, i force them to bloom at august because in october i will have some dutch bulbs and i want to hybridize them (it's my favourite work^_^ )

    3. Hoa Thao thank you. I have a lot of puniceum and yes they are just left on the ground on their own and they just bloom after the heavy rains, without any intentional forcing, as you said. I would like to have some hybrids too, but it is very expensive online, those i see here in some nurseries have virus, so can't buy from them. I am not sure who are the Vietnamese i have been talking to in the Hippeastrum groups, maybe it is you, haha. I am sorry it is difficult for me to remember your names, and i can't even know which names are females. Sorry about that!

    4. i have read some information about virus mosaic, i remember someone said he/she used the virused bulbs as pollen donor with the normal and the breeds don't have any sign of virus!
      so sad, if you in Vietnam, i will send you my hybrid seed or my teenage hybrid bulbs!
      yeah, i can't remember your name too ^^ haha! i realize you by the pictures of your cat!

    5. btw, i am a boy but my name is a female's name :))) awkward !

  2. Perfect shots of raindrops.

  3. Your shots are amazing! Such great shots!!

    Thank you for joining Water World Wednesday

  4. You're a very skilled photographer, those are very lovely.

  5. I do like that first one too - in fact all of them. Send some of that rain this way!

    1. hahaha, you will have your share in due time. But don't expect too much as our world's climate is changing drastically! Thanks for the appreciation.

  6. Wonderful how you captured the rain...


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