
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Friday Again

Glad it's Friday again. 

And true to the colors assigned to us in the tropics, the warm colors, i never run out of them. If i will not stop, i will have a long list of orange colors. Imagine that, and i still am not putting in the reds!

 4 o'clock - Mirabilis jalapa

 ever faithful Hippeastrum puniceum

 Crossandra infundibuliformis

fallen leaf of Artocarpus camansi

the old reliable ever present zinnia

But can you guess those little pink dots at the back. This is the face that greets you Happy Weekend! 


  1. Awwwww...such lovely colors and do they all smell? I am originally from India and all the flowers there smell lovely. Here hardly any flowers smell. So, I am wondering if it has anything to do with colder climate and tropical climate?

    1. Thanks KL for the appreciation. I don't agree with you that all flowers in India smell lovely! Lantana, wherever it is from smells foul, haha! I can't think of some more now with terrible scent. Most flower smells are naturally there for pollination and perpetuating the species.

  2. I love red and orange flowers, and I usually grow a lot of zinnias. The variety I like best is called 'Orange Profusion'.

  3. Wszystkie zdjęcia są bardzo ładne, ale pierwsze świetne. Pozdrawiam.
    The pictures are very nice, but the first great. Yours.

  4. Happy weekend to you as well!!! Love your colors! They are welcome in my garden:) I seem to notice that in the hotter climates orange, red and yellow flowers rule the color scheme.

  5. Gorgeous flowers. And the leaf reminds me of autumn. Great shots!

    Mary, MI

  6. Beautiful - I love those bright tropical colors.

  7. These colours are so bright, loud & strong. Reminds me of the colours of Autumn.
    Truly beautiful to admire and cherish.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Wonderful flowers. Orange is my favorite colour.

  9. Orange, the color for feelings of warmth and enthusiasm...very nice orange blooms!

  10. camansi--we used to bungee jump from a camansi tree at my grandparents' backyard.:p

  11. Needed some hot flowers as it has been cool here.

  12. Orange flowers are hot, torrid and make a statement wherever they are located. I could have join forces with you and added my Bougainvillea orange ice, Bauhenia Kockiana and orange Hibiscus.


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