
Monday, May 20, 2013

Serendipitous moments!

I decided to be absent from work last Monday. I left home from the province early that Monday morning, instead of the usual late Sunday afternoon. My reason for being absent is that before leaving the condominium unit last Saturday, i accidentally closed the door with the 2nd key still inserted in the keyhole inside. I cannot anymore lock the door outside before leaving for home to the province. I thought the condominium management will have difficulty opening my unit, so i will not be able to enter if i arrive on a Sunday night. Blame it to negligence, carelessness, forgetfulness or whatever, but it certainly had me so distressed. Fortunately, they have certain troubleshooting strategies, and i was able to enter my unit so quickly. I shouldn't have wasted a lot of wasteful thoughts and calories thinking a lot of scenarios!

But if there are sacrifices, there are also some rewards. And i can always see them no matter what.  Here are some of the shots i took that early morning of Monday, on my way to the city.

 This is the sunrise from my window in the province. If i did not leave that Monday, i wont be obliged to wake up early, and will otherwise have missed this scenes.

 The rising sun behind the cassava plant,

...and behind the curtains of coconut leaves!

 I took this shot while on board the jeepney on my first leg of travel, and while waiting for more passengers to the city.

I even called on the driver to wait for a minute, while i was waiting for that boat to be on the sun's rays. The boat shape is so lovely and unusually seen in this waters. I just hoped it was a bit nearer the shore for a more beautiful composition. But that is forgiven, spontaneous shots are okay too! 

Serendipitous! Yes!

Our World Tuesday Graphic



  1. What a way to wake up...gorgeous shots!

  2. Those are gorgeous photos, so warm and tropical, well worth staying another day for. It's funny that you mention the KLM houses, we have a collection of those from when my father used to travel a lot for work!

  3. Beautiful sunrise shots, especially the light reflected on the water.

  4. Beautiful photos. You live in a magical place.

  5. Oops, I just lost a comment that I was typing, it probably shot off to the single sock bag never to be seen again.
    I'm glad you HAD to get up or we would never have had the chance to get a glimpse of your beautiful sunrise.
    I hope you get your rains soon, in the north of Australia their wet season should have passed, but lingers on, while In other parts they did not get the wet season rains and are shooting whole herds of cattle because there is no feed for them or market either. The economy of this world creates such a lot of tragic waste.
    I wish you lots of mushrooms to come. Unfortunately, here in Australia I only know of two edible mushrooms and both came in from Europe. Field mushrooms with cattle and a special kind that only grow in old pine forest.
    Be safe wherever your trip takes you.

  6. Wow wow and more wow! These shots are stunning!

  7. Beautiful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. I understand how you made an error probably better than most. When You get to be a senior my age, you are really in trouble. However, loved the shots you were able to get. Very pretty.

  9. What a lovely place to live and such gorgeous photography ~ Enjoy ^_^

  10. serenedipious indeed and a special gift to stop and see the sunrise. What a lovely place you seem to live in - just beautiful.
    Have a wonderful week and thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday.

  11. Sounds like your unscheduled day off was kind of like the detours we ended up taking on our trip, it brought us to things that we would not of seen otherwise. I love your set of photos, beautiful sunrise and it seems like a gorgeous place to live! Thank you for visiting my blog as well!!

  12. Waking up in such a nice place and bathing in that beautiful sunrise...
    You are very lucky! :)

  13. Wow such exotic sights to behold!

    I too have left my apartment (in Germany) and left the key in the door inside. Oh my! So glad you were able to get in!

  14. Wow, these are great photos. It is nice countryside where you live.

  15. I just adore seeing the sunrise but usually in bed. Alas, I miss so much beauty. You captured these beautiful moments and I thank you for sharing them with other bloggers. Have a wonderful day!
    JM Illinois

  16. Indeed it was a gift to see these sights and I thought the sky in your other blog was fabulous...these are amazing...really breathtaking!


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