
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cutie Cute Cute!

These are my mothers newly-hatched native chicks. There are actually six of them, the two are trying to be more independent in loitering farther from the mother. I didn't take the photo of their mother, as she hasn't taken a bath nor change wardrobe yet after hatching these chicks.

Red cotton bugs, Dysdercus cingulatus. I think this is the mother as i see a lot of scattered youngsters at different levels of maturity and sizes around it. They are infesting a kind of weed with very minute blue flowers.

The older offspring and at the bottom is the youngest.

Camera Critters Meme

Ruby Tuesday 2


  1. Śliczne i kochane pisklęta. Miło na nie patrzeć. Pozdrawiam.
    Cute and adorable chicks. It's nice to look at. Yours.

  2. The chicks are cute, but I do love your colorful bugs!

  3. The chicks are so adorable, insects are not so my taste !

  4. I agree with the last comment. I like the insect photos, but the operative word for me is interesting, not so much cute.

  5. The chicks are cute. The bugs are very interesting too.

  6. How adorable are these little chicks! happy ruby day to you.

  7. The view of parents and babies are so different than we think of which is of human, kitties and puppies. Yet, parents do create babies a,d of the two species here, I think I like chicks instead of bug babies - although the insects do carry an alluring and attractive ruby shells!

  8. Adorable red insects. Great macros.

  9. Cute chicks, interesting bugs!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  10. The chicks are adorable and I'm sure the mother appreciates your not taking her picture before she is all cleaned up ;>)! (I would like to see what she looks like sometime. Our daughter raises a few chickens and I enjoy watching them when we're visiting.) Love the bugs too -- it's fun to see different kinds of 'critters'.

  11. I don't really go for crawling insects but the red color went well with green. Hope they don't sting or bite. Interesting bugs!

  12. The chicks are so cute. And the bugs are very striking. Thanks for always teaching me something new.


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