
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cute Pretty Weeds

More weeds in the property become more conspicuous to me because of the macro lens. I have now more things to observe and document with my camera. These plants or weeds have already been here in the property even before i was born, but i get interested on them just now! I realized not only the critters with us are so lovely, these weeds with minute flowers are spectacular too.

Urena lobata, the inflorescence is around 1.0 cm in diameter. The fruits are small thorny bulbs.

 NOID, The length of the flowers are about 3-4mm.

The plant producing the above NOID blue petite flowers have lovely colors too. It is here where a lot of Dysdercus cingulatus are being hatched. I guess this is their alternative host when cotton and its relatives are not available.

Mimosa diplotricha  flower

Mimosa diplotricha  seedpods, which i also see for the first time. This is very conspicuous to the naked eyes but still, thanks to the macro lens. This is a very invasive weed that grows so fast in the tropics. A field full of this weed cannot be entered by mammals because of the the thorns along its stems.

Flemingia strobilifera, or wild hops. Above photo is the green bracts that enclosed the reproductive parts. The lower photo shows the dried bracts and a seed pod abnormally out of the bracts. Most of these pods are inside those bulging bracts till the pods fully dry and open for the seeds to scatter.

In many Asian countries, the plant parts are used for medicines, while modern studies showed its antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Isoflavonoids are just some of its useful chemical contents. But in our property they are mostly weeds, unwanted species. I don't even see butterflies or bees on them, but at least i like their ornamental display.

Oxalis curniculata. This weed grows in normally wet pots of ornamental plants. They just creep and not tolerant of dry soil. Its flower is only ~1.0cm in diameter. Those pods are lovely to play with when mature, press them a bit and the scattering of seeds give subtle firecracker-ly  sounds. Try it.



  1. I can see that you are really enjoying your Macro lens! Great photos! Have a wonderful week!
    Lea's Menagerie
    Mississippi, USA

  2. I always enjoy looking at you photos. I like to see if we have similar plants here. The top one looks like an annual flower here called impatients. Thanks!

    1. oh Andrea, we have very few plants in common as there are few plants thriving on a very wide range of temperatures! Plants are also divided into several growing conditions aside from temperatures.

  3. Yes, great to have one of those, it gives a whole new dimension of interest. Congrats and have fun!

  4. Love that Mimosa flower, like a purple dandelion seed head.

    1. If the flowers can be isolated like that it is lovely, but the plants themselves are scary to death, invasive to the max and obnoxious to the end.

  5. If these are weeds they are some of the prettiest I have that mimosa

  6. You certainly do have cute weeds! I do love that mimosa blossom and your oxalis is so pretty - so different from what grows here, although I think ours is quite pretty, too.

    Happy weekend.

    1. Your pink oxalis is prettier I think, because it is more floriferous. The diameter of our yellow is only 1 cm.

  7. Such pretty 'weeds'! I especially like the seedpods...

  8. I like those weeds! Thanks for showing them to us.


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