
Monday, February 4, 2013

Yellows and Rubies

Some blooms at the start of our dry season in Batangas, Philippines.

spray cascading yellow chrysanthemum, remnants of the long days

 trying hard to bloom Gaillardia, native of temperate countries acclimatizing in our hot tropics

very adapted orange 4 o'clock flower, Mirabilis jalapa


 Ruby Tuesday 2


  1. Such a wonderful macro of a buttery yellow flower in that first photo! Stunning! And the design/shape of that third flower is so intriguing!

  2. love your macros! the gaillardia shot is my favorite.

  3. Good luck with the Gaillardia, it likes heat but not moisture!

  4. Wow! Fantastic photography of nature's gems ~ especially since it is freezing in MA ~

    Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ ~ artmusedog and Carol on blogger

  5. Wonderful and beautiful macros...stunning!

  6. Your Gaillardia may just surprise you with a pretty bloom now that you are headed into the dry season. That is a pretty photo also.

  7. Just beautiful...spotted our native gaillardia and it is amazing in your photo

  8. Irresistible macros...The colors are so alive!


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