
Monday, November 26, 2012

Of Bancas and Flatworms!

I strayed for a few minutes near the seashore, breath the breeze and look for something to photograph. There will always be a lot of things to shoot, unfortunately so little time to spare. But a few things still caught my fancy.

 I guess that lone man in a very small boat is doing some fishing, hook and line. He didn't change his position at all, standing there in his static boat. I wonder if there is really still some fish in that area. And i am so curious why he did not just sit down once-in-a  while, as he waits for his catch!

In the so many years that i have been looking at that horizon, i just realized those two mountains almost have the same shape. I've reached a lot of far places and countries, but i haven't been to those mountains which are still part of my province. It reminded me of a song "......but I've never been to me!"

 Do you have an idea if the above 'something' has life or is it just a rock!  Dan...da...ran.....

There it is, it is a living thing. I put it on its back to expose those flesh, and it quickly return to the original position. It struggled a bit to topple down, but it regain its posture in little time. It really looks so slimy, and i guess that orange part is its liver. It looks like an exposed liver, amazing creation. This is a marine slug!

Above is a flatworm. They don't have body cavities so oxygen and nutrients pass their bodies by diffusion. What a very simple life! But...they are hermaphrodites, isn't that great!

Our World Tuesday Graphic

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  1. We have some very colourful sea-slug on our coast - but I've not got any decent pictures (yet!)

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. The sea slug and flat worm are interesting. Lovely seaside shots.

  3. Widok z pierwszego zdjęcia jest cudowny. Takich ślimaków wodnych nie widziałam . *** Dziękuję, że mnie odwiedziłaś i chcę Ci powiedzieć, Norwegia nie jest daleko od Polski i byłam tam na cudownych wakacjach. Pozdrawiam.
    The view from the first picture is wonderful. These snails have not seen water. Thank you *** that you visited me, and I want to tell you, Norway is not far from the Polish and I was there for a wonderful vacation. Yours.

  4. Wonderful photos, I love the exquisite light of these beautiful seascapes.

  5. Thank you for sharing your beautiful paradise!

  6. Fascinating animals, though not exactly cuddly.

  7. dear andrea, thank you for such an enjoyable, artistic, interesting post. You go from macro to micro.

  8. Its truly a contemplative & reflective moment to ponder.
    Enjoying nature and its beauty.
    Truly marvellous.

  9. Lovely slugs pics and a fabulous first shot of the man on his boat.

  10. what are those mountains, Mindoro?:p
    growing up in Negros, i was always looking at Guimaras Islands at sunset--it's just across the bay but seemed like a world away. i promised myself to visit Guimaras one day, and i finally did, a few years ago.:p
    i wonder if the slug is edible--pagkain agad ang naisip!*lol*

    1. haha Luna, we are like that, we don't reach what is near us! Just like the song, I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me! Those mountains are in Batangas, as I've mentioned above. But there is an island only 20min to us, looked at it since we were kids but I've never been there, Tingloy. Other islands in our town i only reached last year because friends insisted i bring them there. But some islands in Visayas and Mindanao i already visited, haha!

  11. Interesting post.That slug is amazing. It is true that we tend to neglect what is near.

  12. Amazing shots of your beautiful world and nature within and around it ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  13. So many beautiful shots. I've never seen a flatworm, though I've heard about them. You live in a beautiful place.

  14. Amazing camouflage! Thank you for sharing info on those slugs!

  15. Like a science doc. Great shots!

  16. What a beautiful view with the sky so that the setting sun?


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