
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Morning Views!

The following shots are captured on 01 November 2012, at my place in the province. When you are seeing these views most of the time since birth, you wont wake up early just to photograph them, most especially when it is already approaching Christmas and the nights are starting to get colder. The nights are longer too enticing us to stay longer in bed. But I am now living mostly in the big city 4 hr from here, so these are now a rarity.

The previous morning I woke up at 6:30a.m. seeing the morning red horizon peeping through the trees. So i psyched my mind before bed to wake up at dawn and that is 5:00a.m. Sunrise is at 5:25, so I am just right to prepare, have a 3min walk to an area where the horizon is not fully blocked by tall trees. After 1.5hr in the area, the walk back home still gives a lot of subjects to shoot, the dews on leaves, the young leaves and shoots, unfolding flowers, some insects and spiders, and a lot more! Actually, I was out for 2 hours, now very hungry and longing for hot coffee!

Our area overlooks the bay, where the small city is at the other side.

 The above are custard apple trees now vegetative preparing for flowering in April

 The International Pier is on that other side of the bay

 the water shimmers in gold at this moment

Cogon grasses sway with the cold morning breeze!

Even the morning moon at the West is witnessing the grandeur of sunrise!

But i need to go back to the house, my insides are complaining for something hot and filling. Time to have hot coffee and 'suman', a delicacy made from glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk and wrapped like small tubes with banana leaves. This is a common preparation for All Saints' Day in our province. Just like missing our sunrise, I missed it too!

Our World Tuesday Graphic  Ruby Tuesday 2  Outdoor-Wednesday-logo_thumb1_thumb1[2]

Skywatch Friday


  1. A beautiful time of day, even if a little cold, and you have been rewarded with some lovely photos!

  2. this moment was so great,,,watching the sunset and sunrise...

  3. Great photos of sun rise.

  4. So pretty Andrea. I love when you photograph sun up and sun down.

    1. HI Donna, these are all sunrise shots, that's why i said there it is a morning moon at the West! Thanks for visiting.

  5. Nice view, perfect shots! Thanks for sharing this I miss my homeland Philippines :)

  6. What a special and magical place, thank you for sharing your paradise!

  7. what a blessing to wake up to such splendid sights. i love all the shots, but the #2 image captured my heart the most.

  8. Hi Kalantikan! Lovely pictures you show! Thanks for visiting my blog. The porcupine quill is a needle like thing shed by animals called porcupines, which live in the jungles of the Western Ghats. I saw one of those when I had gone for a trek in the W.G.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Oh lotusleaf, thanks for that reply. I haven't seen a porcupine in person, haha, only in photos and books. I know you are in the highlands, which is very different climatically than the rest of India, so you have porcupines.

  10. What a glorious view and lovely shots.

  11. Hanga naman ako. Miss philippines. Fantastic pictures!

  12. I always look forward to these posts about your beautiful views...lovely

  13. Glad to have found your blog on the recommendation of Jean's Garden, I'm your new follower. Your posts are lovely and the photos are magnificent, looking forward to reading more. Sandi


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