
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rain Effects

I waited for the rain for a long time, so when it arrived i have to really experience it. I didn't have a thorough soaking, but i went out without an umbrella or a hat, just let it wet my hair and my shirt. It is comforting and felt like I have done a ritual. Oh i should have thought about that when i am still in there, i should have put very good positive thoughts in my electromagnetic field while in the rain. I think I am late for that, anyway, i had fun. After the slight wetness i came back to the house and got an umbrella for the camera, and started shooting. 

Earlier we had a thick fog, which visits us once-in-a while during the rainy season. This time there was a visibility of around 10-meter radius. I am imagining i am somewhere in Scotland or the mountain states in the US except that the temperatures here are higher. In fact I only have a thin shirt and i didn't feel cold. Maybe that temperature was around 28C. So the clouds just went very low to experience the earth's vegetation, what about that!

 Crinum lily has a good soaking, it has all stages of blooms

 The big bunch with opened flowers  fell off, cannot bear the heavy beating of the raindrops

 Caesalpinia pulcherrima  flowers had to droop

 Pachystachys lutea bracts and flowers were able to stand the raindrop pressure

 Cacao's new emerging leaves look so happy with the heavy rains

 This praying mantis has a poker face, so i can't discern if it is happy with the rain or not, it just stayed there on the spent blooms of the crinum

 Ti plants (Cordyline fruticosa) look hilarious and having a good soak after the long scalding heat they experienced a few weeks back. The yellowish sunscald suddenly becomes green now!

 Duranta erecta hasn't been pruned, so the limbs are trying to outdo each other in reaching the sunlight. Even the Florida beauty emerged at the center of the canopy for the light it wants to see too. Survival of the fittest is being shown in this little patch.

 The crotons whose leaves were drooping in the last few weeks now looks so satiated and healthy. It is a very pliant and adaptable plant. I hope there are larvae which eats them too.

The dormant caladiums show up everywhere, they are beautiful but later on my sister will uproot them including their tubers to limit their invasiveness. We have killed and dried a lot of Colocasia esculenta tubers last dry season to limit their population in the property.

Asparagus fern dried up in May, and now fabulously growing again. I still have to prune the dried stumps. I am trying to train it climb the molave tree near our gate.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima leaves with colored beads in them

Atis or custard apple (Anona squamosa) has lots of mealy bugs earlier, now they get a thorough bathing and hopefully got rid of the infestation. 

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   ff   blumen zum wochenende flowerartfriday 


  1. Glad you got some rain. You can tell everything has enjoyed it.

    Great photos ~ FlowerLady

    1. Yes FlowerLady, the plants, the insects and I enjoyed the rain immensely! thanks for coming.

  2. very nice! you stalked the garden after the rain.:p


  3. Good to see you got rain..we have a bit too...rain is so refreshing for critters and plants and yours are looking wonderful

    1. Hi Donna, yes at last we got the rain. You mean you don't get enough in central New York? I am so amused with your article in Beautiful Gardens about that beautiful weed which is very invasive!

  4. Great photos! Good capture on the preying mantis! Sometimes I go out in the rain and run around and get wet too it's fun!! Your photos make me feel as though I am there :)

    1. Thanks Libby, if you are nearer then we can both get wet together, that will be more fun!

  5. Lovely blooms, the fern is stunning, and I enjoyed seeing the praying mantis.

  6. Your flowers,and green plants look so lush and lovely. Great photos, too. Thanks for visiting. I appreciate it.

  7. Hi! Such beautiful blossoms and pictures in your post today! And thank you for visiting my site. I'm really thinking that we may have turned a corner here regarding the drought situation. I have so many new plants that I've been buying on sale and that need to get planted... with no rain I thought it best to keep them in pots for the time being. Take care and enjoy the fabulous beauty that surrounds you! Larry

  8. was für wunderbare Bilder :D
    Regen kann so SCHÖN sein..
    LG vom katerchen

  9. Calling by from FFF, a lovely series of photos of your plants enjoying the rain.

  10. Nice images. It is fun to get photos during and after a rain. Your mantis just might be happy about the rain. I am still busy with work Andrea, but I have so many gardens to post and all my travel photos. It does not take me long to make a post, so I have had many on a schedule.

  11. Beautiful photos! I love all the rain drops.

  12. Enjoy the rain, Andrea! I'm thankful for your blog. Every time I come here I feel uplifted. Regards, Karmi

    1. Hello Karmi, I am very glad also whenever you pop up somewhere. I hope you are having a beautiful and charmed life! God bless.

  13. I always get such a thrill looking at your garden pictures--just glorious! You also introduce me to many plants I've never seen around where I live, so thank you, and have a great weekend.

  14. Lovely shots and wonderful effects with the rain, Andrea!

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!


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