
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Perennially Blooming

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: we locally call gumamela. A lot of varieties and species of Hibiscus we all know about and been hybridized here. And i have been posting a lot of them too in the past. But it is a much loved flower all over the world, and maybe it is one of those also which tolerates a very wide range of habitat. Here in our very hot and humid tropics, it is a very common sight and a perennial fixture throughout the year. It is also common to prune the branches regularly, so they wont grow so tall or wide.  No matter how poor the soil is, no matter how neglected it is, no matter how abused it is, they will still produce beautiful flowers, no matter what! Will you not love such a plant! 

I will just be posting one of them here, for a change!

the underside has whitish faded effect hue outside the petal overlap

 the stigma has the same red color of the inside petals, while pollen is bright yellow

 the deep throat has darker red color

 the almost spent flower at the end of the day

though the above photo is not of good quality, it shows an olive-backed sunbird sipping nectar.

Copy this image and its link to place on your blog


  1. Good day Andrea:) Love the Hibiscus. Here in our desert, it will grow. BUT it needs regular watering and protection from our cold winter nights. In Wisconsin, people grow these plants in pots and they love that climate better as their is more moisture in the air. No matter what this is a beautiful plant and in the right environment it will produce abundant amounts of flowers. Hope you are doing well. Talk to you soon:) Kreesh

  2. the first photo is fantastic! i love this color!

  3. Beautiful photos! Even though the final one isn't as gorgeous as the earlier ones, it's my favorite, showing the olive-backed sunbird eating/drinking from the blossom.

  4. Just gorgeous...mine have not bloomed with the drought...hopefully they will eventually

  5. Beautiful Hibiscus and stunning photos.

    I do hope you enter our giveaway again please. You are not too far away. Everyone is welcome to join worldwide.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  6. my guess is that the Phillipines is very lush, as shown in you lovely hibiscus the sunbird a kind of hummingbird?

  7. Beautiful delicate flowers, beautiful colours. I am greeting

    1. Hi ZielonaMila, thanks for commenting here. I tried posting to yours but i don't know why the comment cannot go through. Maybe wordpress doesn't allow bloggers to comment there!

  8. My what a beautiful salute to a beautiful- species. I grew up with such beauty growing up in Sydney but they were humble compared to the bevy of today's exciting hybrids. Today I live in the harsh climate of the Kansas prairie and I enjoy the myriad of hardy hibiscus and their enormous flowers. Have you heard of them? If not, google Flemming Brother's hibiscus and prepare to be amazed. So glad to find your charming blog via GWGT. You certainly live a charmed life but I'm sure you're thankful every day. Best5, Patrick.

    1. Hello Patrick, thanks for coming over, but when i opened you site, there was nothing there! Hybrid hibiscus are really beautiful, but i noticed here they easily succumb to pests and diseases. I will be more glad if breeders will produce those hardier than what the Flemings did and can produce those ready for cutflowers! Hibiscus as cutflowers! We have breeders here too and we prefer these because they are better acclimatized to our climate.

  9. wunderschön.hier bei mir blüht soetwas nur im Blumentopf
    LG vom katerchen


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