
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My dream house!

Having a tree house has already been my dream from childhood.  When my father was still young and alive, a tree suitable for a small tree house was not yet available. It seems like any tree in the vicinity is always hoped to develop being multi-branched to support a small house. However, nothing was done for the tree to develop as envisioned. So through time, the dream somewhat went into hiding in the consciousness. But some hard trees grow near the house which reminded me of a tree house, and again they are still not enough and capable of supporting one. It looks like the reasons to have a tree house are just mounting.

Then came my niece and nephew, they are now 17 and 14 years old. My nephew also inherited my hobby of climbing trees and he is my constant companion looking for anything unusual in the second growth forest at the end of our property. He is also good with birds and keeps on telling me his new sightings. He even taught me the ways of some ants and termites, which i fail to observe in my youth. He also has the dream of having a tree house. But conditions in our family is difficult for making a tree house. Carpenters are not available nearby, and of course making it is expensive. So he tries to resolve his lack by trying to do what he can, to have at least a semblance of a tree dwelling. 

This is sort of the "dream tree house" we envision to be having. I saw this at the Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga City when i traveled there at the end of June. 

Because we lack the tree, the carpenter and the resources to make a tree house, my nephew just content himself in making this hammock under the citrus trees. It provides a good rest area during the dry season when students are on semestral breaks. Staying under the trees is a better alternative to staying inside the house when its very hot and humid. 

 This is the biggest tree near our house, a mango tree. You can see the makeshift platforms brought up there by my nephew. Together with his friend John john, they let hours pass sitting in that makeshift platform. 

 Maybe my nephew's curiosity of having a tree house is a bit pacified when he did his platform.
The problem is that i cannot join him there, as i cannot haul myself up to reach that space. 

I hope there will still come a time when a real tree house will show up, at a time I am still able to climb the stairs, makeshift or real. 


  1. We did exactly the same thing in the biggest mango tree in our street when we were kids. We put a huge plank of wood between the largest strongest branches and would spend hours just sitting there chatting and day-dreaming! You've bought back some great memories.

    1. Hahaha Bernie, good for you. When i was a kid no big trees are available near our house, but i climb the Zysygium tree most often, just taking care i will not fall, just sit on the horizontal branches! Yes it is nice to reminisce some of these.

  2. Wow! This is so cool!
    Would love to spend the summer holidays in there;o)
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

    Happy day****

  3. I am with you and your nephew...loved climbing trees and making tre houses...would love to live in one like in your photo...

    1. Thanks Donna, before i become a senior citizen i hope i will have my treehouse!

  4. It is my dream to have a tree house too! Especially one that can slide up/down from the room window. I used to wish for a tree house on my rambutan tree, a hammock and a swing. I never had a tree house or hammock but I had the swing for a while until it broke :(

    1. AB having a slide from the window is too much! A rambutan tree cannot support a treehouse for you, maybe only for a cat, haha! A makeshift swing is easy to make for us, just an old tire and a rope and everything is fine! It even revolves if you want to!

  5. Ah, but for a child, isn't part of the fun of a treehouse the fact that adults can't reach it??! That being said, I hope you get your wish of a treehouse (for you) soon - they are, indeed, magical places.

    1. yes Gaia, you are right, i never thought of that earlier maybe that is what my nephew really didn't want me to share! Thanks for hoping i will have mine soon!

  6. I really like that idea and I too have dreamed of having a house in a forest of trees. There is a scene in Lord of the Rings where they visit the Elfish forest as there is with the Ewoks in Star Wars......wouldn't that be an amazing thing?:) I also imagine it would be difficult building a tree house with termites in your area. It would look great for a year or two but you'd be constantly battling the bugs:) However if we were just to look at a tree house with all those issues, including climbing up:), wouldn't that be amazing? I like your mango tree:)

  7. I always wanted a tree house and I can tell you that I spent alot of my childhood up trees.

  8. How wonderful. I used to have agree house when I was young. Kids love them.


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