
Monday, October 14, 2019

October 2019 Blooms

My last month's promise of posting more has not been fulfilled. I am so sorry for that. My consciousness just get more busy at the middle of the month for the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  The rest of the months i just do my usual garden chores, photo editing for FB and of course chatting with friends. Chatting with garden friends by creating articles have been shelved for new means of social media. But i am by habit still here for the monthly GBBD.

We are so thankful this year that no very strong typhoons are passing by our country's Area of Responsibility. Some were affected by the strong rains that come with typhoons at the Pacific, but at least they did not come directly to us, just like the previous years. So our plants and domestic crops are spared, and we have our household vegetable gardens giving us harvests. We cannot even finish the fruits of our few plants like okra, ampalaya, malunggay and sweet potato tops. My hoya plants are also not suffering setbacks due to strong winds from the strong typhoons.

Our area is not flat, so this area we put some blocks to contain the soil at the other side. I purposely did not put cement finish to that short wall because the green moss during the rainy season is a pleasant scene to see. That length is normally fully green this time of the year. I only planted a few Portulaca oleraceae for contrast.

Flowers of the orange Portulaca change hues from opening to senescense, which is only a full day.

 the reproductive parts of the cosmos flower

My red cosmos is still from a friend from the southern part of the country. I guess this color is common abroad in colder countries but not here. It could have been brought by friends from abroad, and i asked some seeds from her garden. The usual colors here in the country are the yellows and orange. But this red is truly a lovely addition to any garden, besides it is also loved by butterflies. 

the inflorescence is still lovely at the end of its blooming period

back shot of a cosmos flower

 the developing seeds are in those spindles

 We have a big plant of this Queen of the Night, Epiphyllum oxipetalum. The first big batch of flowers opened at the same time when i was not at home in August. I was so disappointed i did not see them opening simultaneously in one night. I can also just imagine the fragrance permeating the atmosphere that night, as they normally start producing scent at about 7 pm until the flowers close after midnight.  This month, as if to assuage my curiosity, a lone flower emerged. I waited till the flower fully opened just to take photos, and my waiting was rewarded.

 Queen of the Night fully open

 close-up of the reproductive parts that give its sweet scent

 Another plant that is plenty under some trees near the edge of our house is this Crossandra infundibuliformis. It also has a yellow form. They do not fully die during the dry season, because they have enlarged storage roots that keep them alive, and will emerge alive again come rainy months. That ensures its continuity nearing invasiveness. They are difficult to kill because of the dense storage roots.

 Another very prominent foliage plant in dry climates is this Sanchezia speciosa. They have tubular small flowers, but i prefer the beauty of their leaves. A dead spot in a garden can be enlivened by this plant. In mine, i planted it at the bottom of a jackfruit tree to cover the sickly trunk attacked by bark borers. That tree i used as a live trellis for the garlic vine. With this foliage the area looks lively and healthy despite the dying tree.

One of the most conspicuous flowering plant in October is this Hoya diversifolia, which i allowed to climb an almost dying lanzones tree. It has been there for 4 years and the most prolific flowering is now. I need to climb the roof of the first floor to get the pictures but i managed, i just go out of the window at the 2nd floor.  Some nodes are even bearing 2 or 3 umbels, and that is amazing for a hoya. I guess i am the only one in the country who has this kind of growth for this species. A full post will be done next time only for this hoya on the lanzones tree. 


  1. Hi Andrea..I am sorry, my post didn't go up on time..It is up now for you to link in as I am not sure if this beautiful post is the one you want to link into Nature Notes...Michelle

    1. Oh so sorry Michelle, when i went there the linky says 4 more days, so i was worried that maybe because i have not been posting for a long time maybe i forgot already how to do it. Sorry i did not look at the date, hehe. Thanks for checking on my comment.

  2. I can see why you would be disappointed not to see the Queen of the Night opening - what a spectacular plant. You and your readers are blessed that one saved itself!!! Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Yes Angie, imagine seeing plenty of buds and then suddenly you will see them already spent! At least even just only one gave me the same feeling of awe and enthusiasm. Thanks for always dropping by my posts.

  3. Your Portulacas are really pretty, and of course I love the Cosmos, too. Your Hoyas are special, as well. If I lived in your part of the world, I would include them in my garden for sure. This is a very nice bloom post. I know what you mean about the time of posting and visiting. I love it all, but lately life is too busy to get to it all as often. I look forward to your posts. :)

    1. Thank you very much Beth, as you always support my posts, hehehe. I normally miss your posts because i can see it in FB. This social media really get most of our time, i think everyone of us are hooked. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I love portulacas they are perfect plants to grow in our hot region.I envy your queen of the night cactus,its majestic.I found your mirabilis jalpa or Four'o clock quite unusual,infact at first instance it looked alike Red croosandra 'Nile Queen'.Happy bloggers blooms day.

    1. OMG yes you are right and so thankful you mentioned it. I know them both, dont know why I said it is 4 oclock. I already changed it to Crossandra infundibuliformis. Thanks so much.

  5. The Queen of the Night might be the most exotic flower I've ever seen. Thanks for your kind words.

    1. Oh yes it really is. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. Your flowers are just fabulous to see! I love the colors and can't wait for them to bloom here in NZ!

    1. Oh Betty, i don't think each of them will thrive in NZ, some are mostly for the tropics.

  7. Stunning photographs, Andrea. I'm so glad Epiphyllum oxipetalum bloomed for you again. It is lovely. P.x


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