
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for July

Our Rainy Season started in June this year. So our plants this July are already very happy, everything sprouting from rain saturation. I went home some weekends specifically to catch the blooms and to post them here for GBBD. More plants start to show their growth, blooming happily with their plenty of food uptake. And the photographer, in return, is happily documenting their conditions as well. These are just some of the more obviously conspicuous blooms resulting from the heavy rains.

 the sleeping shoots were shaken from slumber and produced blooms.

 The lilies were terminated off their dormancy, like this Scadoxus multiflorus or Blood Lily. We don't see them during the dry season, as their leaves are gone with only their live bulbs in the soil. With the first heavy rains they regain growth, all the flowers sprout first before the leaves. They sprouted a bit staggeredly, so we can see the red umbels for at least 2 weeks.

 I also observed that the stingless bees swarm on them with their legs full of pollen to be brought to their hives. In a month the umbels will die and be replaced with green leaves, again accumulating food to prepare for their next dormancy in the dry season.

 Crinum jagus

Crinum zeylanicum

Pteroceras ungiculatum (orchid)

This is an endemic orchid in the country. It has been there hanging on the trunks of my trees, self-supporting, a bit dying during the dry season but suddenly comes to life with blooms when the rains come. It also produces a lot of pods. 

Mussaenda Dona Luz

Those colorful parts are bracts, enclosing the small yellow flowers. We cut all those branches 2x a year when those bracts wither. The succeeding shoots will enable the tree to accumulate food again for the next flowering, which coincides just after the first heavy rains. 

Clausena sp. 

This small tree belongs to the Rutaceae which include the citrus. Flowers entice a lot of butterflies there on top. It is called "malarayap" in the our local term because the leaves emit a scent like that of "dayap" or our local lime. 

Tabernaemontana pandacaqui (pandakaki)

This is a bush which luxuriantly grows in our areas, fallowed lands, under coconut trees, vacant or marginal lands,  everywhere in our vicinity. The butterflies also love nectaring on them. It produces very colorful orange pods when ripe that can be easily seen from a distant, in contrast with the green environment. 

Hoya lacunosa 

Hoya lacunosa is one of the small-leaves hoya, with equally small umbels. But its overpowering scent makes up for the size of the flowers. After the heavy rains it produced a lot of umbels. The above plant alone has 15 umbels. 

Hoya lacunosa 

Hoya obscura

This plant is also considered small because of the leaves, but it is a bit bigger than H. lacunosa. Even just the lacunosa or the obscura flowers alone are open, one can immediately realize that a hoya is in bloom in the hoya enclosure. The scent is easily discernible at 5 meter radius or 10 m diameter. 

Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa (syn. Disocactus ramulosus) 

This is a red-leafed hanging cactus whose fruits are so small at less than a centimeter in diameter, changing color from green to white as they mature. Every notch on the leaves produce flowers that eventually become fruits. 

Even the fungi are happy emerging with the start of the rainy season as the brown fungus above and the yellow ones below. I do not know their identification.

It is my first time to upload a video in my posts here, but i cannot control sharing with you the happiness of those bees nectaring on the newly opening Hoya alwitriana. This hoya is so much different than most because it opens in the morning, when the bees and other insects are starting to forage for nectar and pollen. Most hoyas open late in the afternoon to early evening. This scene above always happen when an umbel opens but the bees leave after a few minutes.

It is so nice to watch something like this in nature, and the bees do not seem to mind a human watching them. Those honey bees are also endemic in the country, Apis cerana. Their honey is my most prefered honey among the honey producing bees.


  1. Lovely to see such a variety of plants happily flowering away. So, is this weather back to the normal patterns? I know that last year you were concerned that the weather was being far from normal, impacting on your plants.

    1. The only normal thing is we still have our 2 seasons: Dry and Wet. Conditions within both seasons are not normal. The start of the rainy season continues to be abnormal because there are staggered drizzles that dormant plants respond not simultaneously. Besides, our typhoons get so strong giving more floods and landslides. And a lot more..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You have rare plants (to me) and have photographed them so beautifully! There are like small diamonds on the white Hoya <3

    1. Oh yes Riitta, i went back and saw what you mean. They are the corolla that sparkled with the light. If you didn't tell me i will not notice. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Beautiful flowers. I'm especially fond of the blood lily. I've never seen anything quite like them.

    1. Yes that Blood Lily has many fans! It is even more special for its only once-a-year blooming.

  5. Your photography, as well as the video, is just outstanding and your flowers are gorgeous. Such a diversity of blooms you have. That blood lily is particularly eye-catching.

    1. Thanks much for your kind words Dorothy! That Blood Lily flowers only once a year which makes it more special.

  6. Ooohhh... those Scadoxus blew my socks off! Wonder if I could grow those here - they are wonderful, as are all those other fabulous plants you posted. Just beautiful! Happy GBBD!

    1. Yes those Scadoxus are scene stealers in my garden, however they just show-off for more than a week and leaves grow fully for the rest of the year before they become dormant. Thanks for the visit Anna.

  7. I enjoyed the video with the bees working so hard, but it was the bird chirping in the background that sounded so happy.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh wow Jeannie, how lovely that you heard those chirping birds as background music, lols. Thanks much, i will go there again to hear the chirping too!

  8. Your garden is looking great! As I read I kept thinking "that's my favorite, no, that one's my favorite". Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for your appreciation and visit Rebecca. I hope you will drop by again.

  9. Your garden has some unique beautiful plants loved the hoya blooms...Its a bless to see multiple blooms of Blood Lily flowers at the same time .
    Have a great week ahead.

  10. I've never seen flowers like yours. They're beautiful. I especially like the red spikey ones.

  11. So glad you left a comment on my blog, which led me to yours! Absolutely beautiful photos and loved the descriptions!! Keep in touch~

    1. Thanks for coming over! and for your kind appreciation.

  12. Gorgeous flowers! Amazing shots.

  13. Hello, beautiful flowers and blossoming trees. I like the fungi too. The blood lilies are my favorite too. I enjoyed the video with the bees, blooms and birds singing. Have a happy day!


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